Burnsteem25 Contest Alert 🚨 | Your favourite vacations

in hive-109435 β€’Β  last yearΒ  (edited)


Good day Beloveds Steemians

How are you all doing, hope all are fine and good? I'm so happy to be with you all here in this great Ecosystem and I believe things will surely go as drafted. This is really a nice contest which am so happy to participate in, and I promise to give out my best and also assure you all that this content will be interesting and also captivating.

Do you like vacations? Tell us about your experience.

Yeah, I really love vacations at the highest level of it. Vacations are something that I derive enjoy and happiness from, especially when it's a visit to somewhere more beautiful and amazing which I have never been before. I really love going on a vacation and I come to remember of when am in secondary school I always prayed day and night for the vacation season to come through so that I will enjoy myself. Going on a vacation really impact for ideas and knowledge to us and also gives as different aspects of what life looks like in other areas.


The best experience that I have ever gotten on a vacation day was a visit to Togo where my uncle normally lives with his family. Indeed, Togo is really developed than our so-called Nigeria and I actually grab many things which have impacted more knowledge to me. This was the best vacation I have ever gotten sincerely telling the truth, life is more easy and comfortable there than our so called country. Also, when I got to my uncle's house in Togo , he also took me to many places which were amazing and wonderful.


He took me to a playground and to a swimming section and also to many places which were really amazing and incredible. Our journey to those places in Togo was really the best and i really enjoyed myself perfectly that day. It was the best vacation ever experienced in my life and I which to keep visiting him the more. This experience really impacted more knowledge skills and also understanding, and it gave me the picture of how a comfortable life looks like.

How many types of vacations do you enjoy in your country? (For example, summer and winter.)

I thoroughly enjoy all the vacations in my country because it really creates out time for me to visit so many places and grab more experience, I truly enjoy the winter vacation but love the summer vacation the more.


Winter vacation really doesn't last for a long period of time, that's why I choose the summer vacation more than it. In the summer period you have a long time and days to enjoy and have the best happiness to wish for yourself

Which vacations do you like the most, and why?

As I said earlier, the best vacation was a visit to Togo and also to my uncle's house. My uncle lives in Togo and a visit to his house was really spectacular. Indeed, visiting Togo as for that time was my first experience and I will stand to say that life is more comfortable and easier there. I got many experience, and it really impacted more knowledge to.me.


This vacation was really the best because he also took me to many amazing places which I have never been to since I was born. He took me to places like swimming section and also a playing ground beef and to many other places that was really much astounding and wonderful. Also, why I love this vacation is that it impacted more knowledge to me, and it was more breathtaking and more of fun and I truly enjoyed myself perfectly and to the highest level of it.

How do you spend your summer vacations because they are long? (Like going to villages, enjoying visiting different places, etc.)

How I normally spend my summer vacations is by traveling to my village or to any enjoyable places, in summer vacation I always travel to my village and indeed it is more of fun ND also an exciting one. Also, traveling to the village really reduces stress for my grandma because we normally help her with farming and also in doing many other necessary things.


Thanks for going through this content of mine, I really appreciate.



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