Radiation and me

in hive-109435 •  last year 


What do you know about Radiation? Tell me about some radioactive sources.

Radiations are the rays or high-speed particles that are released from different forms of matter. These radiations or energy particles are released by atoms or unstable nuclei in other words, one can say that unstable atoms get rid of extra energy present within them in the form of radiations and this process is regarded as radioactivity. We have always been exposed to many radiations daily that are released from different gadgets we use daily as well as in the form of background radiations from earth's crust. Radiations present in outer space are called cosmic rays which are the major part of background radiations. Human muscles, bones, and tissues also contain certain radioactive elements that continuously release radiation.


There are different radionuclides that emit radiations according to the different half-lives they possess. As one can say as these radionuclides decay they emit the radiations in the form of alpha, beta, or gamma or imply photons of high energy. The half-life of elements ranges from a few seconds to even years. For instance, the half-life of Uranium 238 is very long about 4.5 billion years, but I- 131 has just eight days. Potassium 40, has a half-life of more than one billion years and it’s the main source of radioactivity in our bodies and is helpful in nerve impulse transmission as well as pumping of the heart.

Give a few benefits of the radiation.

Radioactive tracers are widely used in medicines to study the process of digestion and the way chemical substances move about in the body, some chemicals such as hydrogen and sodium present in water and food are distributed uniformly within the body. Certain other chemicals are also absorbed specifically by unique organs. Like radioactive Iodine, which is absorbed mostly by the human thyroid gland, Phosphorous is uniquely adsorbed on bones, and Cobalt by the liver. They can serve as tracers.



A small quantity of low-activity radioisotopes mixed with normal isotopes is administrated intravenously otherwise to a patient and its location in diseased tissue can be as certain by means of radiation detectors. An abnormal or malfunctioned gland absorbs much more quantity of Iodine than a normal thyroid gland. By ionizing radiation, radiotherapy with Gamma rays from Cobalt-60 is often used in the treatment of cancer. The gamma rays are carefully focused on benign and malignant tissues. In addition, C-14 is used in plants to check the rate of absorption of fertilizer within the plant body. And laser beams are also used in ammunition and Uranium is also a part of nuclear weapons.

Enlist some harmful effects of radiation of different types.

Strict safety precautions are necessary for both patient and attendant medical staff. The dose of radiation has to be carefully controlled, otherwise, the radiation could do more damage than health. Patients undergoing radiation treatment often feel ill because the radiation often damages healthy cells. Radiation Exposure and Cancer Risk are connected to each other. Exposure to low levels of radiation does not cause adverse health effects but can cause an increase in the risk of chronic sarcomas and melanomas over a lifetime. The background radiations to which we are exposed the average is 2 millisivert per year. Doses of 3 sivert will cause radiation burns to the skin for workers in the nuclear facilities or mines a weekly dose of 1 milli siver6 is considered safe.

The damage from radiation can cause redness and sores on the skin. Some other low-level radiation effects are loss of hair, ulceration, stiffening of the lungs, and a drop in WBC which is followed by a sickened patient of diarrhea, vomiting, and fever known as radiation sickness. High levels of radiation may disrupt the blood cells seriously leading to diseases such as anemia and leukemias. Chromosomal abnormalities or mutations may cause delayed genetic effects such as cancer, eye cataracts, and abnormalities in future generations. These may develop [p many years after exposure to harmful radiations.

According to data from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, symptoms of radiation sickness remained for almost 15 years and also heightened the long-term risk for chronic cancers like leukemia, sarcomas, melanomas, and lymphoma.
Radiation damage to the intestinal tract lining will cause nausea, bloody vomiting, diarrhea, and blood with stool. This occurs when the victim has an exposure of 200 rems or more.

Do our electronic devices (Phones, laptops, or other screens) emit radiation? What should we do to protect our health?

Nowadays most of the devices and gadgets of our everyday use emit a lot of radiation. Even if a person isn’t using an App, it’s always updating in the background and emitting RF into the human body. That’s why one must delete Apps that are not in use or turn off auto sync for the Apps that are in use. And they should be synced manually at times when one’s phone is connected with ethernet instead of Wi-Fi. Using a laptop by putting it in a lap leads to a high level of ELF radiation that concentrates on the lower abdomen area causing malignant cancer.

With a little effort, one can reduce the frequency of radiation in everyday exposure. Like a cable should be used for internet connectivity. Avoid using the WiFi but use an ethernet connection. It increases the RF radiation around the laptop. Use an Armor’s Laptop EMF radiation and heat shield to protect the body from direct radiation to about 99% and the laptop should be placed at least 20 centimeters from the body as this is harmful to fertility. Distance is your best friend in every exposure.



A lot of exposure risks and neutralized by adding distance. Therefore, it is critical not to keep the laptop on any part of the body while using it. The use of technology in daily life can’t be denied; but, wireless and electronic devices are to be used with proper caution. Mobile phones should be used with proper distance, as it is damaging to the eyes and skin. Moreover, LEDs should be preferred instead of televisions and mobile phones should be used with eye protection shields. Anti Radiation Mobile Phone Chips, data center radiation, Laptop Radiation Shields, and RFID isolation are of great importance and should be kept in mind while exposed to radiation in order to get a healthy and fruitful life.

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