Contest | 3 Days Without Electricity

in hive-109435 •  last year  (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 21.35.36.jpg

(Edited by Snapseed app)

Good day everyone. I am happy to talk about a very important topical topic. First of all, I would like to thank @steemdoctor1 for opening such a valuable contest to us. So let's talk about what we can do if there is no electricity for three days.

Water, food and air are the basic needs of people. In today's technological world, electricity has also been added to it. Today, electricity has become an essential thing for a house. Most of the appliances used in homes are powered by electricity. We have become accustomed to electrical appliances due to the reduction in cost and ease of time management. Therefore, if there is a power cut, it will have a big impact on our daily life. As a solution, we can follow different methods.

How often do you face the problem of electric power shut down in your area?

I am Sri Lankan. With the current economic crisis in our country, the Sri Lanka Electricity Board has failed to supply electricity continuously. In recent days, we had to live without electricity for four hours a day. It was an unpleasant experience. They inform us before such power outages. Before They informed us which hours of the day the electricity will be cut off. It was convenient for us. Therefore, we had to plan to avoid power outages and continue our activities. We used to finish the work done with electricity before the electricity cut off. For example,

The water motor was started and the main water tank and additional water tanks of the house were filled. Bathing for the whole family when there is electricity. Washed clothes and refilled water tanks. Completion of kitchen work done with rice cooker, induction cooker etc. before power cut. Ironing clothes needed for two or three days. Keep all rechargeable devices charged when electricity is available.

By following the above methods, we were able to make our day-to-day activities easier at that time. Before this economic crisis, there were only minor power outages in Sri Lanka. They lasted an hour or two at most. Bad weather and maintenance work caused it. Now we have experience with extended power outages.

What activities would you do if there is an electric failure in your country for 3 days?

I have experience living without electricity. I live in a rural environment. So I will explain my activities on a day without electricity. Even if there is no electricity, drinking water is not a problem for me. I take water from the well and fill the water filter. There is a way to get water to my house using a rope and a bucket. That water is sufficient for drinking water and kitchen purposes. Next, bathing and laundry become a problem. Because it is difficult to take water from the well and take a bath. A river flows near my house. My house is about twenty meters from the river bank. When there is no electricity, I go to that river to bathe and wash clothes.

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The next issue is cooking. In our house, we cook food using all three fuels: electricity, wood and gas. On days when there is no electricity, mother cooks food using firewood and gas. The next issue is ironing the clothes. I usually iron about four or five clothes at a time. Even if that is not possible, I have a solution. You have heard of the coconut shell charcoal iron. I have such an iron next door to me. On the day there is no electricity, I ask for it and iron my clothes.

The next problem is charging mobile phones and laptop. Because of the electricity crisis I mentioned earlier, I bought an inverter. Even though the electricity has been out for three days now, I can still charge my phone and laptop. Also, I installed a led light system connected to that inverter at home. It didn't cost me much.I have a way to light only the inside of the house even if the inverter loses charge. The LED light system I mentioned above works with 12vdc. When the inverter is off, the lighting system is connected to my bicycle battery. It is enough to light up the house for about four hours.

My hobby is playing volleyball and cricket. So I play more on the days when there is no electricity. Then I don't feel the need for electricity. Some additional activities have to be done on days without electricity. In my free time, I take water from the well and fill the pots. And I walk around looking for firewood to cook. I do it very happily. Because I love to walk around. As I mentioned earlier, I live in a village. So there is no need for fan air conditioners even in hot seasons. Do not use the refrigerator on days when there is no electricity, my mother arranges. We buy milk daily from a farm. So there is no need to refrigerate food like milk. Same goes for other food items. So we can live without refrigerator. This is how my daily routine goes on days without electricity.

What are the major problems or issues that you will face in 3 days electric failure?

1. Water Problem

The main problem I have when the power goes out is the water problem because I can't turn on the water motor. I use several methods as solutions for this. I will explain them now.

  • For drinking water:-
    *I use the house well for drinking water and cooking water. Because it does not require a large amount of water.

  • Water for washing clothes and bathing;-
    I use river water for this. The picture below shows that river.

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  • Water for toilets and toilets:-
    I have stored water for that in the bathroom. This image shows me the tank.

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2.Impact on kitchen works

  • Cocking(Rice cocker, Induction cocker)

The above electrical equipment cannot be used when there is no electricity. Therefore, gas stoves, wood stoves etc. are used instead. When there is no fuel like gas or kerosene, we only use wood stoves. To use in this kind of situation, I created a coconut shell charcoal stove. It works with a 12v dc battery. Coconut charcoal stoves are more efficient. The images below show the stoves.

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  • Grinding
    For this we use a grinding stone.

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3.Problem of Ironing clothes

We can't iron clothes without electricity. It is a big problem for those of you who have children in school and are working.

  • Solution 1:-
    For this you can use a coconut shell charcoal iron.

  • Solution 2:-
    When you wash clothes, wash them carefully so that they do not wrinkle. Then dry it in the sun with the help of a hanger without squeezing the water. Then there is no need to iron. It's not a big problem.

4.Inability to use other electrical appliances at home

Charging of electrical equipment. (phones,laptops, re chargeable lights)

Charging electrical equipment becomes a big problem when there is no electricity. Because without the phone and the laptop, our work will be interrupted.

  • Solutions 1:-
    For this I use an inverter. A 2kv inverter is enough for a house. The following figure shows an inverter.

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  • Solution 2-
    Now in the market there are power banks that can be charged by solar panels.By using such a power bank, you can charge your mobile phone when there is no electricity.
Not being able to turn on the home lighting system

When there is no electricity, you have to stay in the dark at home. It is an unpleasant experience. There are several solutions to that problem.

  • Solutions 1:-
    You can light lamps and candles with kerosene, coconut oil etc. It is a very primitive method.

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  • Solution 2:-
    You can light some LED light bulbs at home with the above mentioned inverter. LED lights are more efficient so your inverter is sufficient. Or rechargeable lights can be used.

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  • Solutions3:-
    Light bulbs are used in many homes even during the afternoon. Instead of those light bulbs, you can use roofing sheets that allow sunlight to penetrate during the afternoon. It illuminates the house because sunlight falls into the house.
Use of television and other equipments

A television can be operated by the said inverter. Because today's LED and LCD TVs are more efficient. This inverter is not enough to use high watt electrical appliances like fans, AC, refrigerators. A powerful inverter is required for that. Therefore, in case of no electricity, it is better not to use such equipment except essential electrical equipment.

So I have explained the problems I will experience if there is no electricity. They vary from person to person. I explained above basically the problems that we face and the problems that arise and some simple solutions to them. So finally I would like to describe another life experience of mine.

My experience

I told you before, do you remember about a river that flows near my house? In the month of May 2017, due to that river, we had to face a big flood risk. We were several families trapped in one place. We had to stay without electricity for seven days. Essential materials were brought by boats. So we lived without electricity for seven days.


We used a diesel powered generator at that time. By doing so, we carried out activities such as running water motors, charging phones, and charging rechargeable lights. It could be implemented only for one hour a day. Because diesel was limited. Firewood found in the surroundings was used for cooking. So I am happy to describe my life experience like this.

That's how I live if the electricity goes out. I am glad to have the opportunity to talk about such a timely issue. Electricity is an essential thing for us, but it is not an essential thing. We can live without electricity. But it's a bit complicated. So I hope you have read my post and got some understanding about it. Let's successfully face the electricity crisis.

I would like to invite @sudaraka, @dilums, @damithudaya for this contest.


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Hello dear,

Thanks for sharing your post. But, you must have to use images from royalty free websites only. You can use images from websites like Pixabay, Pexels, Freepik, Unsplash, etc. Please make changes and let me know. Thanks!

  ·  last year (edited)

I am sorry. It is my mistake. I have edited my post. Please check. Thank you @steemdoctor1

Thank you very much for your invitation my friend. And I am honored to mention my name in your post.

Your posts on antiques and antiques are excellent.