My Father Is My Life

in hive-109435 •  8 months ago 

Hello Steemit friends,
how are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Steem4Bloggers brought by the honorable Moderator @memamun. The name of the Contest is "My Father Is My Life" Thank you Steem4Bloggers for bringing this beautiful contest to us.

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🎅 Share your comments about your father

Father is one of the two words that are the most special in the world. After mother, I don't know anyone who is so special like father. The father is the pillar of a family. By standing next to the pillar, all the problems of the world can be solved. Father is like a banyan tree. Under whose shadow one can pass life without fear. There is no comparison with the father.
A father takes care of all the needs of a child after birth. In any problem of the child, the father keeps the child in front of everyone.
My father is the most ideal man in the world for me. Although I had not met my father for a long time. When I was 14-15 years old, my father died. In this short time, I found my father as an ideal man. He Taught me to live with the right way. My father was a great philosopher to me. I still follow his philosophy in my heart. I see that the philosophy taught by my father is becoming necessary for me. Although my father is not with me, his philosophy and his ideals are with me.


🎅 How much do you love your father? Share the feeling.

Can the feelings of love be expressed on paper? I am not a writer, so I may not be able to express the feelings of loving my father properly. But I love my father very much. I have already said that I have been close to my father for a short time. In this short time, my father has given me so much love that I cannot end it. I see how my father cherished ideals. He used to judge himself first if he ever saw something wrong. He would first check if there was any mistake.
As much as I love my father, I never had time to reciprocate or show my love. Today, if he gets a chance to see me beyond death, my father will see how much I love him. I love him and I still cherish his teachings. I obey. I am trying to teach my children the ideals of my father. Inshallah I will love my father and follow his ideals for the rest of my life.


🎅Does your father have any expectations? Which have you done or will do?

Every parent has some expectations from their children. There is something to want from the children. A father expects his child that his child develop as an ideal person. Lives life with human ideals in mind.
My father died when I was young. So, I don't know what he expected from me. But he taught me some principles from a young age. I was around my father most of the time, so I saw his ideals closely, even though I was my age at that time. I didn't understand everything because I was little. But after he died, I started realizing his importance. I kept thinking about him.
I still cherish his memory in my heart. I try to live my life by his ideals. I don't know if this is what he expected of me, but I can feel that all fathers want their children to follow their father's example. Maybe my father had the same wish. So, I am trying to fulfill his expectations by following his ideals.


🎅 Regarding others' father's, give your advice to everyone.

A father protects the child from all the dangers of the world. Although we sometimes cannot give the father the respect, he deserves due to our egos, we must remember. We must give the father the respect he deserves. I will say to all: -
You learn to respect your father and try to be ideal in his ideals.
Father is the first teacher so his every word should be taken seriously.
Always treat your father with care and respect.
Will be quick to attend to your father when he is ill. Will see to it that he receives timely medical care.
Care must be taken that he never feels lonely.
Learn to respect your father while he is still alive.
Finally, I will say that no one can be a compassionate and loving person like a father. Therefore, realizing that every word of his should be obeyed as an order.


I would like to invite three of my friends @zory23 @slon21veka @jollymonoara
Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my article. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.


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