Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | If I were The Principal

in hive-109435 •  2 years ago 
Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh

Interest topic to discuss. I've already involvement in teaching as I'm a teacher of nearest KG school and I'm there not only for teaching but also for learning. I find inspiration from the principle mam of the school and she deal with things very patiently and wisely and that part attract me to imagine myself at her place.

This contest brought the opportunity when I can imagine myself as a principle and plan that how I can build an ideal school for future nation. I strongly believe that, every ideal teacher has specific quality and an attractive personality that attract maximum students and they consider the teacher as their role model.

A principle is a teacher and she is also a kind of team leader who operate the other teachers to teach students ideally. Imagine myself as a principle is a great honor and we need to learn a lots of things to be worthy for the position or role. I like the principle mam of our school and I become her fan after joining her school as a teacher.


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An ideal principle always aim to make the best place for acknowledging, practice discipline and humanity. If I were a principle I will surely do those things I've already mentioned beside that I will build a team of good teacher who knows how to teach and already have training on teaching.

Before holding the responsibility of a principle I must complete my educational degrees and training that a principle should have. I believe in being qualified teacher to hold such big responsibility of a school. Let me answer few questions I've found and this answers will clarify my mission and vision as a principle of a school. Have a look.

What would you do for the growth of your school in academics?

For the academic growth I'll include all the necessary lessons in syllabus. I will make lesson interesting to students and easy to adopt for each students. I will encourage students for study. I will never pressurize them for study but I will make lesson interesting that they find it as game and they will enjoy the game which will be the part of their lesson.

I'll arrange weekly meeting with teachers and monthly meeting with the parents of students. I will take report of each students from the class teachers. I will arrange extra classes for students who can't adopt lessons quickly or fast, I will take care of weak students to help them to learn and perform in the exam as much possible.

I'll arrange different school functions where students can show or explore their extra curriculum activities, creativities and talent. I'll arrange cultural programs and students need a short break from regular study so this way they going to enjoy learning and also will enjoy functions. I will help my assistant teachers to teach students with their best teaching methods.


Image Source: Pixabay

What tips would you give to the teachers regarding the maintenance of discipline?

In the past students were beaten with sticks and most of the teachers found scolding students. I think this can't be a quality of an ideal teacher. As a principle I'll fire this kind of teachers at first and hire eligible ideal teachers who knows how to deal with students. They come to learn from us and what if we teach them beating with stick and scolding for minor issues?

Its true that students doesn't follow discipline properly but when we follow discipline and ask them for following our lead then surely with the time they will learn manners and discipline. Make them understand by telling fables with moralities, teach them as they can understand and accept rules as their duty not as the order.

Do you think sports should be promoted at school level? What would you want to do to encourage the sports boys/girls in your school?

My answer of the question is a big YES! Even I was a sports girl in my school and it is necessary to include. Physical movement of kids or students help them to be more focused to their study so we should allow them to play in the school's playground or campus. I highly encourage this initiative and as a principle I would love to arrange sports function several times in a year. I will offer annual prize for best performers in both study and sports.

What do you do to provide the easy atmosphere for students to learn? (Behavior of teachers with students).

I think I've already mentioned it a little above. The selection of qualified teacher is the most important task in this case. A teacher with good manners can teach students the good behavior and manner. Students learn to be polite, helpful, kind when they see or observe these qualities in their teachers so I will provide ideal teachers to my students of school and personally I'll encourage them following good things around them and skip bad things around them.

I will never let them showing rude behavior, if I find I will warn them for the first time and if they repeat I'll call their parents for a meeting to find a solution together. I don't want to be a rude principle who beat students for their mistakes.

At last, tell us about the personality of your school principle in your matriculation level.

When I went of the admission for the first time with my father in the school, the principle sir took some academic test via question paper and when I solved it he got impressed and allow me to admit. We were not so closer with our principle but he was the roof of our school as he protect our school and teachers when it was in need. A principle is a kind and selfless person who deserves huge respect.

Our principle was a man who was like a father of students. We still can remember his kindness and gentleness. He respect women like his mother and loved his students like his own kids. He was responsible and a man with strong personality. He could be a role model for male students at that time.


Thanks For Reading

Would like to invite my friends @sduttaskitchen @ikwal @f2i5 @aaru @beautiful12 @asiahaiss @jyoti-thelight @lavanyalakshman @intrepidthinker @ternuritajessi to take part in this steem engagement challenge or opportunity. If you already participated, pass it to others.

Find more details here: Contest Announcement By one of my favorite community Steem4Bloggers @hive-109435 Thanks to dear community leaders of Steem4Bloggers for arranging such awesome contest. I wish all participants good luck.

A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1


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anda memiliki gagasan yang sangat bagus untuk menjadi kepala sekolah saudara, membuat pertemuan dengan guru setiap minggu dan membuat pertemuan dengan orang tua murid setiap bulan adalah gagasan yang sangat bagus untuk mengembangkan sekolah.

As a principal you must be ideal and role model for other teachers. You all should collectively work for the betterment of the school.
Parents teacher meeting is also necessary so that you can convey the message to the parents about the performance of the students.
Extra curriculum activities must be promoted so that we can keep student alive in their studies.


Hii @sohana1 I hope that you are doing well.Thanks for sharing your quality blog.Principal of the school has so many responsibilities to manage such as maintain discipline ,manage the staff etc.

I will arrange extra classes for students who can't adopt lessons quickly or fast

This will be the good practice that will help the weak students to learn more to cover the syllabus.

Sports helps the students to built their personality and boost their physical and mental health as well.By the active participation of the students their confidance increases which also enhance their learning capacity.

You have written well.Good luck for the contest.

El director es la principal pieza en la escuela ya que es la encargada de velar por el cumplimiento de la normas establecidas en el colegio, me gusto mucho tu participación tienes muy buena sideas te deseo mucha suerte

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