The Diary Game:- (12June 2024) Today was a great day with new fruit and a chat with friends.

in hive-109435 •  20 days ago 

Hello Everyone
This is @sushanta83 From #Bangladesh

Cover Photo

I woke up at 9 am today. As my exam is going to be held today at 10:30 so I woke up after spending some time. Then after waking up I came outside to brush my teeth. In no time I brush my teeth and wash my hands and face and freshen up. Already I am able to keep my bed clean and tidy. Because I always like to be clean. I always tidy my room. I am always comfortable with my own stuff or my own work. Because you can be happy while doing your own work. Anyway, I spent quite some time doing this. Meanwhile I login my steemit id.

screenshot Logging in to my ID, I saw I got the vote

Within moments of logging in the ID, I came to the option to check notifications. Then I saw that a post was upvoted by booming01. Because I posted a weekly diary game on Steam for Pakistan community two days ago. That is, I have been declared the winner, so I have been voted. Then in no time I see the vote I have already put a picture with screenshot through my phone. It was very good so I have mentioned the picture with screenshots to you.

Anyway, this is how I spent some time. Then in the morning I had a light breakfast and in no time left for the college after wearing the college dress. After coming to college I came to the class room and started writing practical jobs sharing with friends. I finished writing the job within about 30 minutes and started chatting. As the writing of the exam questions was over, we all sat together and chatted for a while. In the meantime I took some pictures and captured which I have already mentioned to you.

I sat down to chat with my friends and this is the origin of 7up drink

Anyway, some of us were sitting together and chatting with friends. In the meantime, there is no initiative to eat 7up by taking some money from all friends. So after some time I collected money from friends then I sent one friend to shop to buy 7up i.e soft drink. Anyway, we were chatting like this for quite some time. Maybe we can hang out like this for a few more days and then we can't all be together anymore. However in no time friend Kamal appeared with drink. Then after a while I distributed lotus drink to everyone i.e 7up.In a while I will submit the exam book to sir and go home.As I have to come back to college again for my industrial training account

At 4:00 PM I came to the college for Industrial Training

By noon the book is not fully finished so I have to stay at the college again around 04:00 pm. For that I came back home rested for some time and again left for college in the afternoon. After coming to college I found all my friends had come to get industrial training certificate. I also settled in a certain classroom in no time. After about ten minutes sir came to the class and started distributing industrial training booklets one by one. I already got the notebook in hand and captured a picture as well.

rhythm fruit6pis120 BDT4.25 STEEM
As soon as the LGd, I saw that Uncle was going to sell these fruits

Then in a while I finished all the activities from the college and came to LGD road. There are many tea shops next to this building. I came there with all my friends. Then I saw here that only uncle was selling this palm fruit. On this day these fruits are very tasty and sweet so he used to sell these fruits very beautifully. Of course I have mentioned the price of these fruits above. I like to eat these fruits so I bought many fruits or 6 pieces of fruits.

Then all my friends ate these fruits together.In this way, time is spent hanging out with friends here. It was evening here so I came back home. After returning home, I washed my hands and face and got fresh. Then I came back to Steemit and spent quite a bit of time on social media. This is where I end my day's activities.

Thank you very much for reading my Blog♥️

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