Food Photography Challenge - Week 82 | "📷Capture, Click, Compete!📷"by kalidsyfulla

in hive-109690 •  7 hours ago 

Bismillahir rahmanir rahim

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,Hello everyone I am @kalidsyfulla From #Bangladesh

How are you all steemit friends,Hope you all are well by God's grace. Alhamdulillah I am also very well. Wishing all the members of this community are having a great day. Today I’m here to participate in the contest Food Photography Challenge - Week 82 | |"📷Capture, Click, Compete!📷". The [Food Photography Challenge - Week 82 | ] put forth by @theentertainer and sponsored by @visionaer3003.

Food photography


Chattopi food is quite tasty. It is available in all areas of Bangladesh.However, this food is more available, especially in urban areas.Chatpati is rarely made at home.A professional chatbot seller sells chatbots all the time.This food is most liked by girls.Boys don't eat less either.Girls love crispy and light food.In urban areas, chatterboxes are more common at certain intersections, around parks, and in front of educational institutions.And when there is a special fair, it can also be found there.Very rarely found in rural areas.Chattopi is more or less available on market days in rural areas.

Photography Details

Device Name📱
Location 📍
Captured by 📸
Realme c33
, Bangladesh

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