Nayantara Flower's Photography 🌸

in hive-109690 •  5 days ago 
"Nayantara Flower's Photography"

Device:- Realme-9
Location:- Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Good morning 🌅

Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also well, Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah. I am starting today's event by wishing everyone good health. Today I am here with my new blog. I am very happy to be here with new posts. Today I will share with you the photography of Nayantara flowers. I hope you all like it. So let's take a look at the photographs now.



Device:- Realme-9
Location:- Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Nayantar flower is one of my favorite flowers. Nowadays, Nayantar flower can be seen in various types. Nayantar flower in particular is more or less in everyone's home. There are different varieties of Nayantara flowers. I have seen about seven to eight varieties of Nayantara flowers. The colors and petals of Nayantara flowers are much more attractive to look at. I tried to take different photographs of white and pink Nayantara flowers. I always like something different. I hope you all like the photographs. Your satisfaction is the success of my work. I seek your cooperation. I hope you will all be by my side, InshaAllah. This was my arrangement for today. I will be back very soon. I thanked everyone and said goodbye here today.

Camera used:-Mobile Realme-9.
Iso speed:-ISO.
Subject:-Nayantara Flower's Photography.


💞"Thank you" to everyone for visiting my blog💞

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