Possession, Your History Now

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Possession. Yes, in fact it often happens. Possession is also often associated with supernatural and mystical things.

What exactly is this condition called possession?

Yes, in fact it is higher risk which usually attacks teenagers and women. It often happens in schools, often called mass possession. When some students behave abnormally, which then spreads, in a short time dozens, tens of people immediately scream, babble or roll around until they faint.

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In the country, the phenomenon of possession or often called possession, is often associated with supernatural or mystical things.


"I myself have never felt possessed. But I have seen it, but in my opinion, people who are possessed, they just feel depressed, or maybe have a mental disorder, their minds are empty. So maybe they need encouragement in life, or to be diligent in worship".

The existence of possession is also because Allah created two worlds. That's why there are other creatures besides us humans. There are many scientific understandings, this condition is a psychological, social disorder, which affects orientation awareness, and memory and also affects the control of thoughts and body movements.

The cause is generally a heavy mental burden, a fragile mentality, due to a lot of trauma. It could also be due to excessive anxiety and it is not caused by a biological nerve function disorder, but purely psychological.

In fact, this condition is indeed vulnerable to teenagers and women.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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