A flock of egrets dancing above the mangroves at dusk

in hive-109690 •  last month 

Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are


In my post this time, I am back with some aerial photos that I took when the sun was setting on the western horizon. As we know, the atmosphere at sunset is God's creation for all living things in this universe. There are various ways people enjoy the sunset.

Pada postingan saya kali ini, saya kembali dengan beberapa foto udara yang saya buat saat matahari terbenam di ufuk barat. Seperti yang kita ketahui, suasana saat matahari terbenam merupakan ciptaan Tuhan untuk semua makhluk hidup di alam semesta ini. Ada berbagai cara orang menikmati matahari terbenam.


As we know, dusk always presents its own magic, especially when the sun slowly disappears behind the horizon. On this occasion, I am back to share an experience full of beauty with some aerial photos that I captured when the sun was setting on the western horizon. This moment always feels special, as if God presents a painting that continues to change for us, creatures on Earth.

Sperti yang kita tahu nahwa hari senja selalu menghadirkan keajaiban tersendiri, terutama saat matahari perlahan-lahan menghilang di balik cakrawala. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya kembali berbagi pengalaman yang penuh keindahan dengan beberapa foto udara yang saya abadikan saat matahari terbenam di ufuk barat. Momen ini selalu terasa istimewa, seolah Tuhan menghadirkan sebuah lukisan yang terus berubah bagi kita, makhluk-makhluk di Bumi.


When the sky gradually changes color, from blue to orange, then red, and finally black, the atmosphere feels so magical. Everyone has their own way to enjoy it, feeling the breeze, some choose to stay at a height, observe from behind the window, or even some just watch it while sipping a cup of warm tea at home. However, whatever the method, the charm of the sunset always manages to calm a tired soul.

Saat langit berangsur-angsur berubah warna, dari biru menjadi jingga, kemudian merah, dan akhirnya menghitam, suasana terasa begitu magis. Setiap orang punya cara tersendiri untuk menikmatinya, merasakan semilir angin, ada yang memilih diam di ketinggian, mengamati dari balik jendela, atau bahkan ada yang hanya sekadar menyaksikannya sambil menyesap secangkir teh hangat di rumah. Namun, apa pun caranya, pesona matahari terbenam selalu berhasil menenangkan jiwa yang lelah.



That afternoon, I decided to go near the mangrove forest, this mangrove forest is a place where the dusk always feels more alive. The gentle afternoon breeze hit my face as I took pictures from a height using my drone camera. The fading sunlight touched the surface of the water, creating a golden glow that seemed to dance with the small waves. In the distance, a flock of egrets suddenly appeared, parading across the darkening sky. They flew low above the mangrove trees, forming beautiful patterns that made the view even more captivating. Their white wings seemed to glow in the last rays of the sun, dancing in the air as if enjoying the afternoon that was almost over.

Di sore itu, saya memutuskan untuk pergi ke dekat hutan mangrove, hutan manggrove ini merupakan tempat di mana senja selalu terasa lebih hidup. Angin sore yang lembut menerpa wajah saat saya mengambil gambar dari ketinggian dengan menggunakan kamera drone milikku. Cahaya matahari yang mulai redup menyentuh permukaan air, menciptakan kilauan emas yang seolah menari-nari bersama gelombang kecil. Di kejauhan, sekawanan burung kuntul tiba-tiba muncul, berarak melintasi langit yang semakin gelap. Mereka terbang rendah di atas pohon mangrove, membentuk pola indah yang membuat pemandangan semakin memikat. Sayap-sayap mereka yang putih seakan menyala dalam sinar terakhir matahari, menari di udara seperti menikmati sore yang hampir berakhir.


It was only a few minutes, but this moment seemed to bring eternity. It felt like time was passing so slowly, giving every second a chance to be truly enjoyed. In every camera shot, I tried to capture the wonder of nature that is so real but often overlooked. Sunset may be just part of the afternoon routine, but for me, every dusk has its own story—a story of immeasurable beauty, of peace that we rarely find anywhere else.

Hanya beberapa menit, namun momen ini seolah membawa keabadian. Rasanya waktu berjalan begitu lambat, memberi kesempatan bagi setiap detik untuk benar-benar dinikmati. Dalam setiap bidikan kamera, saya mencoba menangkap keajaiban alam yang begitu nyata namun sering kali kita abaikan. Matahari terbenam mungkin hanya bagian dari rutinitas sore, namun bagi saya, setiap senja memiliki kisahnya sendiri—kisah tentang keindahan yang tak terukur, tentang kedamaian yang jarang kita temukan di tempat lain.



And here they are, some photos that I managed to take using a drone camera. Each photo seems to tell a story about the silence of the afternoon, about the free dance of egrets in the sky, and about the warmth of the dusk that caresses the earth. I hope, through these photos, you can feel what I mean, namely the meaning of tranquility, beauty, and a moment that, although brief, will always be stored in memory.

Dan inilah dia, beberapa foto yang berhasil saya ambil dengan menggunakan kamera drone. Setiap foto seakan bercerita tentang keheningan sore, tentang tarian burung kuntul yang bebas di langit, dan tentang kehangatan senja yang membelai bumi. Saya berharap, melalui foto-foto ini, kalian bisa merasakan apa yang saya yaiut tentang arti ketenangan, keindahan, dan sebuah momen yang, meskipun singkat, akan selalu tersimpan dalam ingatan.


Hopefully these photos can entertain you all, reminding us to stop for a moment and enjoy the simple things that are actually so valuable. Twilight may be temporary, but its beauty is always eternal in the hearts of those who are willing to see it.

Semoga foto-foto ini bisa menghibur kalian semua, mengingatkan kita untuk sejenak berhenti dan menikmati hal-hal sederhana yang sebenarnya begitu berharga. Senja mungkin hanya sementara, tetapi keindahannya selalu abadi di hati mereka yang mau melihat.


Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003



All Picture Taken With Drone Mavic 2 Air Camera
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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

We love beautiful nature photography. But sometimes we want to find ourselves in a different way in nature. Thank you very much for presenting us with beautiful nature photography.