The Beauty of Butterflies in the Grass, A Captivating Photo Collection

in hive-109690 •  2 months ago 

Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are


Who doesn't know this type of winged insect? I think everyone must know it. Yes, this winged insect is usually called a butterfly. Because it is very easy to find.

Siapa yang tidak mengenal jenis serangga bersayap yang satu ini? Saya rasa semua orang pasti mengenalnya. Ya, serangga bersayap ini biasa disebut dengan kupu-kupu. Karena memang sangat mudah ditemukan.


We know that butterflies come from caterpillars which then turn into butterflies. Here I will not write about the phases of change from caterpillars to butterflies.

Kita tahu bahwa kupu-kupu berasal dari ulat yang kemudian berubah menjadi kupu-kupu. Di sini saya tidak akan menulis tentang fase-fase perubahan dari ulat menjadi kupu-kupu.



However, in this post I only want to share some photos of butterflies that I found some time ago. This is my documentation that I have stored on my hard drive for a long time.

Namun, pada postingan kali ini saya hanya ingin membagikan beberapa foto kupu-kupu yang saya temukan beberapa waktu lalu. Ini adalah dokumentasi saya yang sudah lama saya simpan di harddisk saya.



Through this post, I want to share it with friends who like various types of insects. The butterflies captured by my camera look busy playing among the wild grass.

Melalui postingan ini, saya ingin membagikannya kepada teman-teman yang menyukai berbagai jenis serangga. Kupu-kupu yang tertangkap kamera saya terlihat asyik bermain di antara rerumputan liar.



Well, here are some photos of butterflies that I share on this occasion. I hope you like the photos from my collection.

Nah, berikut ini beberapa foto kupu-kupu yang saya bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga Anda menyukai foto-foto dari koleksi saya ini.


Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003

All Picture Taken With Sony A7 II Camera
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"Home is where your heart is !❤️."

Vote for @visionaer3003 as witness.

Butterfly Beautiful Photography We all love these little creatures. Especially when we go to the flower gardens, these animals are more common and it is very nice when they sit on the flowers. Thank you so much for presenting us with beautiful photography.