Spot to See Natural Panorama

in hive-109690 •  last year 



Saya berjalan menuju ke spot utama di titik perkumpulan orang-orang, spot yang dijadikan sebagai area untuk melihat panorama kota dan danau. Berada di titik lereng gunung ini, tampak cukup mengkhawatirkan, tetapi orang-orang telah mengabaikan hal ini karena mereka telah terkesima dengan keindahan alam di kawasan ini.

Di titik ini saya berdiri tepat di sisi lereng yang sedang dikerjakan untuk pembuatan taman bunga. Rerumputan liar yang hijau tampak tumbuh subur di area ini yang memiliki tekstur tanah yang sedikit gembur.

Pandangan saya ke arah kota dan danau terhalang oleh beberapa pohon pinus yang tumbuh kokoh dan menjulang tinggi. Pohon-pohon pinus inilah yang menjadi penopang utama tanah dari gerusan air hujan, karena pohon pinus memiliki akar yang menjalar, mengikat tanah-tanah lebih menyatu dan mengisap air hujan.

Hampir diseluruh sisi lereng ini ditumbuhi pohon pinus dan saya berharap mereka tidak akan menebangnya hanya untuk dapat membuka spot baru untuk melihat danau. Memang, ini adalah salah satu titik yang bagus untuk melihat panorama danau, alam yang indah, kita mesti melestarikannya.


I walked towards the main spot where people gathered, a spot that was used as an area to see the panoramic view of the city and lake. Being at this point on the slopes of the mountain, it looks quite worrying, but people have ignored this because they have been amazed by the natural beauty of this area.

At this point I was standing right on the side of the slope where work was being done to create a flower garden. Green wild grass seems to grow abundantly in this area which has a slightly loose soil texture.

My view of the city and lake was blocked by several pine trees that grew sturdy and towering. These pine trees are the main support for the soil from eroding rainwater, because pine trees have roots that spread, binding the soil more tightly together and sucking up rainwater.

Almost all sides of this slope are covered with pine trees and I hope they won't cut them down just to open up a new spot to see the lake. Indeed, this is one of the good points to see the panoramic view of the lake, beautiful nature, we must preserve it.



Best regards,

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Your description effectively captures the terrain you're in as well as your care for maintaining the area's natural beauty. Environmental mindfulness and a love of the natural world are fostered by the discrepancy between the concern about soil corrosion caused by the junking of pine trees and the desire to establish a new position for seeing the megacity and lake.

The position is given depth by the attention to detail in the green wild lawn and loose dirt texture. You demonstrate your mindfulness of the dynamics of the terrain by mentioning how important pine trees are in avoiding soil corrosion due to their large root systems.

It's clear how important environmental conservation is from your viewpoint, which emphasizes guarding the natural beauty and hoping that the pine trees will not be taken down. This depiction of someone who values and cares about the preservation of nature's beauty is veritably nice.