CoinBoss leads a new global blockchain consensus

in hive-110112 •  3 years ago 


Any new thing is born to be recognized by people, it takes time to settle.

Three hundred years ago, stocks were extremely unfamiliar to people; a hundred years ago, venture capital was still not mainstream; a few decades ago, Buffett also "cannot understand technology stocks." And now, digital currencies, led by Bitcoin, are slowly entering a more mainstream and broader group vision.

Since the second half of 2020, the price of Bitcoin has continued to rise, breaking new historical highs several times, allowing all sectors of society to once again appreciate the value and charm of "digital gold". The accelerated entry of traditional financial institutions and technology giants has led the mainstream market to continue to pay attention to encrypted assets. The scale of the encrypted market has grown rapidly, and the structure of the industry and user groups is also quietly changing.

The crypto market is facing a major transformation. Perhaps in the near future, crypto assets will also become a regular option in investors' investment strategies, and in this process, exchanges have played a vital role.

CoinBoss, the most shining star of the 2021 distributed exchange, has always been a very important link in the blockchain industry track, and it is the top layer of the entire "digital encrypted asset" ecology, and it is in a pivotal position in the industry. Therefore, whether it is the exchange or exchange practitioners who automatically "do evil" or are constantly looking for "vulnerabilities" by external forces, the security, standardization, and reasonable development of the exchange has always played a role in the development of the entire encrypted digital asset industry. Plays a vital role.

In the world of exchanges, there will be dark horses that turn out every year: “Binance” in 2017, “FCOIN” in 2018, “MXC” and “WBF” in 2019, and “Uniswap” in 2020. An exchange that successfully emerged in the past has its core competitiveness based on the blockchain industry of the year.

In this new year, the decentralized exchange CoinBoss will bring its core competitiveness and huge technological advantages ahead of the industry to enter this "digital encryption world", and it is bound to be the most important in the exchange industry in 2021. The shining new star.

CoinBoss is a distributed financial and radar model composite platform developed based on the CoinBossChain public chain system and the underlying technology of Cosmos. It adopts Tendermint consensus and has a new type of cross-chain technology to create a fully autonomous consensus decentralized system, all transactions It is completed by the on-chain contract transaction matching, which is open, transparent, and highly secure. There is no background management. Every user can view the non-tamperable data information on the smart contract chain.

CoinBoss innovative advantages detonate the 2021DeFi distributed new financial consensus. The existing blockchain system has many pain points, such as low data agglomeration efficiency, limited network performance, and distributed governance mechanisms that are insufficient to meet large-scale commercial applications. The CoinBoss network can prioritize and quickly determine finality without sacrificing consistency, so that transactions can be completed quickly. At the same time, it is aimed at transaction order transactions, as well as IBC (inter-blockchain communication) transactions with other networks. A major application of CoinBoss is a distributed trading system compatible with multiple trading methods. While ensuring the realization of decentralization, its transaction throughput, commercial performance and commission delay can be comparable to large centralized exchanges (CEX).

CoinBoss is compatible with offline decentralized transactions, and can perform a large number of replicated distributed transactions with independent blockchains. Users can submit limit order machines, and transactions can be executed offline, as long as the smart contract is triggered in advance. , The blockchain system will complete order matching and asset transactions on behalf of transaction nodes.

The decentralized trading DEX actually makes up for some of the shortcomings of the central trading CEX. Its deep and credible trading order account composed of limit orders can be implemented. Only decentralized exchanges based on blockchain can operate. To achieve this.

Uniswap and other decentralized exchanges have become new outlets. The trading volume once surpassed mainstream central exchanges, but they were all limited to token trading on a single public chain. CoinBoss made breakthrough optimizations based on Uniswap and became a cross-chain decentralization. Exchange. Traders can submit limit orders when all parties are offline. The IBC hub based on the Tendermint consensus is compatible with a variety of different distributed trading methods, and traders can quickly complete the flow of funds on exchanges and other block networks. As a multi-asset blockchain, each transaction may contain multiple input and output items, and each input item can be any token.

In the future, in the CoinBoss ecosystem, BTC, ETH, DOT, LINK, and BOS can be used for mortgage loans, and the pledge rate changes with market conditions. When the ecosystem forms a certain scale, the market liquidity of CoinBoss will be reliably guaranteed.

In short, CoinBoss has always been running towards the new financial direction of the blockchain, creating a new DeFi ecological pattern, inspiring to subvert the excellent ideals of decentralized digital economic reform, innovating the DEX autonomous consensus super system, and returning to the blockchain startup The idea is to combine decentralization, independence, security, anonymity with human rights, commercial rights, currency rights, and quantitative rights to create a magnificent process of digital technology and digital rights liberalization!

CoinBoss aims to be the perfect creator of the entire ecological chain, leading the new trend of 2021!


This article is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to buy or sell CoinBoss .
This document should be used for general research purposes only. This does not constitute an endorsement of professional investment advice, recommendations or independent analysis, and should not be construed as a commitment to the pursuit of the goals and objectives outlined herein, that is to those of the staff. to change from time to time at the discretion of the CoinBoss team. therefore, the information contained in this Article has not been prepared in accordance with the relevant governing rules and regulations such as publication in various jurisdictions.

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