EtherLow is a new cryptocurrency based on ethereum, it is designed to be fully decentralized
EtherLow is a new cryptocurrency based on ethereum, built on eos. It is designed to be fully decentralized, The only central resource is this article, the network ID is 59970 the first node will run for 1 week(or until a peercount of 5), then cut off. It has two main tokens. LEther, and LOW. LEther is the network's ether. and LOW is a token that will cost 1 more LEther to mint each time. this will keep the value of LEther down while giving value to LOW, low can be exchanged for LEther at the current average LEther spent per LOW token. LEther can be mined. the recommended wallet is metamask and geth. because of the full decentralization, a wallet for the network would need to be made by a third party developer. LEth solves the problem with proof of stake's security and proof of work's energy requirements, using Proof of Speed. anyone can mint a block. It has an ethhash diff of 1 so a header would be outdated before a fake block could be compiled much less submitted. It solves the value problem with LOW, the value token that can be worth trillions of LEth. PLANNED RELEASE OF INIT NODE: new year's day 2022