RE: There Is No One To Buy the Baby Boomer's Stuff

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There Is No One To Buy the Baby Boomer's Stuff

in hive-110786 •  2 months ago 

I keep wanting to reply to this and I agree with what you are saying. All these collections and all the BS that has been bought up over the years doesn't amount to much in some respects. My Aunt is honestly in that situation partially because she had various collections and inflation is kicking her ass just like it is kicking a lot of people's ass. It's honestly sad that this government robbed all these seniors through inflation. Younger generations are screwed as well but they can somewhat GeoMax and get out of the situation if they make moves. Older generations have a harder time making a move.

Then what you say about the clean up job and working on some of the deferred maintenance is true as well. In some of these locations it ultimately won't make sense to do all that.

It's really sad to go to the Estate auctions in a lot of ways because of all that. Trying to sell out of all the random stuff.

And yeah they all have a ton of saved plastic bags and old cool whip containers. I respect the hustle and frugality in a lot of ways.

I often wonder what generations truely had it the worse. If it wasn't for crypto I might have a life sentence in the MidWest feeling like I can't even imagine freedom.

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The next generation will have it worst.
But, also, they will be the first to truly know freedom.

The baby boomers seems to be reaping what they sowed.
But, a new way of paying for retirement will come and save them.

Maybe Satoshi will give them all some bitcoin as "social security".

Stay loose, and comprehend that this is a world changing event/time. It will get BETTER. Its just going to be govern-cement crashing, fiat crashing, (un)civil war, hurricanes and blizzards. But, it will also be crypto millionaires funding the craziest sci-fi shit being built. Flying cars and forklifts that just float off the ground.

Freedom according to your perspectives and view on life? Freedom is no freedom if you are forced into a certain life style by a filthy rich top of the pyramide and if you can't tell the diference and decide yourself.

The new retirement (do you have that system?) will not be different from the "one bases income model". A slave you are and will be if this is what you have to depend on and if the power is switched off what will you do?

Crises are always planned and the resukt of bad budgets and no savings but keep spending. The rescue is always the same trick: spread fear (epidemics) and distract (start a war)

@ wakeupkitty



@ wakeupkitty

