Almost Free Energy

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 


Where is a our free energy?

The biggest conspiracy theories involve free energy.

  • Humanity used to use energy from the air (see things on top of really old buildings)
  • The govern-cement has secret alien technology.
  • Anyone who tries to come up with free energy device is either a quack, or dies mysteriously.
  • The US Patent office has stopped accepting patents on free energy devices.

And the list goes on and on.

However, when we do discover free energy, it will seem like an, of course, duh, how could we have missed that.
The universe is awash in energy. (atheists just bear with it) The universe is bathed in God's energy, it is what keeps the universe in existence from pSec to pSec. You just have to tap into that to have all the electricity you would ever need.

It is really simple. It is based on 12. Just uses a couple of magnets.

However, until no one would use it for war, it will elude our inventors.
It will just not happen. Something will always get in the way. (like the Metric system)

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Almost Free Energy...

Up until the point where the human race matures enough to acquire free energy, we will need another source of abundant clean energy.

Fortunately, there are quite a few of them.
Unfortunately, you will find the govern-cement/WEF/GreenPeace sitting on top of them denying their use.

Like burning trash for electrical energy. Every dump should have one. We know how to two stage burn this stuff with very little emission, but just try to get one built, and you are facing an uphill battle from everyone from greenpeace to the local dump, every administrator in town, and the entire EPA.

You will find yourself threatened and molested.

And this is for a no-brainer, we should do this instead of burying this crap, thing.

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Geothermal Energy

Drill a deep well. Use a refrigerant that boils at low temperatures but above ambient air temperature. Run a small turbine like Tesla Turbine. And you will power a small community till everything wears out.

Or you can even go with a sterling engine. With a mere 50° difference you can get a house's worth of electricity.

Unfortunately these have been blocked from anyone without govern-cement approval to even researching it. All the hotter spots in America, where you could just make electricity by sticking a pipe in the ground, well, you have to build your contraption, turn it over to the college in charge of the area, and they will get back to you.

No, really.

How do you say geothermal is outlawed without actually making a law about it?

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Wave Energy

Basically build a giant paddle wheel, the size of a Ferris wheel. And you have power with every wave that crashes to the shore. It is really simple and just has to be built.

However, these have been blocked by all the "green peace" protesters because "they will look bad." "Spoil the ocean view"

You run into bureaucratic nightmares trying to even test these things. Instead of having the "no-oil" people showing up to support you, you find that they show up against you.

So, people have been trying to build less obstructive, even underwater wave power generators. And they really haven't been getting anywhere. Because, when you restrict this contraption from being what it needs to be, it just doesn't work.

All the major cities could have locally produced wave energy. (almost all of them are on an ocean coast) Instead of piping in energy from clear across the desert. You would think they would be all over this. It is like bicycle level technology.

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Magnetic Motor

Yes these exist, but they need some big money engineering put into them. They spin, but not enough torque to power your typical genset.

People say that perpetual motion machines don't exist, and it might be true, in the strictest sense, as nothing lasts forever, they all wear out. However, magnets exert a force pretty close to indefinitely (just ask the one holding your kids artwork up on your fridge. Imagine the work you would be doing if you stood their holding that paper up all this time)

We just haven't had much understanding of magnets. We don't really know how they work. But if you give up on modern materialistic physics, you can build your own magnetic motor. Defy physics in your own home!

If we didn't have everyone dismissing these out of hand (because of brainwashing in childhood), then we might get some engineering geniuses to figure out how to turn these into electric power. It really is just a matter of time.

But, imagine how frustrating it is to get investments for tooling and manufacture when most of them do not believe in "fairy dust" "wishful thinking" or "mice running in wheels" even when shown the actual item. They distrust their own eyes.

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Real Solar

Photovoltaic panels are really easy. Just plug them together and they go (little maintenance), but they are not very efficient. And they are quite expensive.

We can use much cheaper mirrors and metal pipe and power a sterling engine or a turbine or a piston steam engine with some form of boiling/expanding gas medium.

These actually used to exist. Back when photovoltaic panels were just getting started.
They problem is you need a mechanically inclined person to maintain these. And go out and fix them when they break.

It makes the scale very difficult. You would need a dozen or more houses to fund one repair guy to keep the lights on, part time. And we just do not have that kind of societal structure right now.

It is a great DIY project for a handyman/engineer. (not just your regular weekend DIYer) And so, a few of these get built, but no one really pays attention to them. And probably won't until someone actually gets into manufacturing these things. The first one will have such an uphill battle.

The US has funded a group to look into solar power about once every 20 years. And just before they start actually making power, their funding gets cut, or disappears, or is never allowed to go online.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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