American Civil War II, This Time, It Is Really Messed Up...

in hive-110786 •  last year 


When historians write about the American Civil War II, what will the title be?
What will the Clif Notes version be?

Will they say it was the right vs the left?
Will it be capitalism vs communism?
Will it be the country vs the city?
Or will it be something like MAGA vs WOKE?

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Will we have a civil war?

In my opinion, we will have a very uncivil war.
And the reason is because we are not working out the problems between Repulsivekins and Dumbocraps right now, how do we even start a dialog about the worsening divide?

To the far left, they are in an existential crisis, and will never stop pushing. To them, it is life or death.

And when the right figures out that this group wants them to stop existing, they will learn that they will have to fight for their lives.

It will just take the right spark to start this off, however, there really isn't a stopping point once this starts. How will you know if you got rid of all the "bad guys"? (and still, this cannot stop until a stopping point is negotiated.)

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What are the actual two sides?

These two sides are weird. Coming from a Reagan era liberal, what we have now is just plain weird.

Democrats voting for war???!!!!! What time/space shifting, black mirror shitz is a going on here?

It appears that the two sides are "Americans" and the "oppressed".

The good ole boys, American and apple pie, freedom and gun loving. Land of the free, home of the brave... they would like some freedom and some bravery back now, please, if it pleases the crown... This seems to be one side.

The oppression Olympics. The forever downtrodden. Those permanently unhappy because the status quo isn't just so. The group of people that never really had a real job. However, this group has a drive to change the world and humanity so that everything is fair and no one is ever oppressed anymore.

In other words, we have two groups that seem to have aligned themselves under "MAGA" and "WOKE".

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What is actually the beef?

These two groups have almost nothing to do with each other. One could point out, rightfully so, that these two groups do not even share the same reality.

To believe in one side is to believe the other side is out of their minds.

A typical WOKE person will say that their enemies are rashist, hating, intolerant, oppressors. And who wants to even start negotiating with anyone who support any of that.

A typical MAGA person will say that their enemies hate freedom. Hate guns, that are the basis of keeping yourself free. Hate free speech which is the backbone of talking about your freedoms. Anyone who is against freedom is a slave in their minds.

Or, in other words, the democrat and republican parties are doomed. The democrat party is losing voters left and right (by supporting war, etc) and the republican party has most become a cult of Trump (except all the old rhinos that want the old republican party). Long lasting? Not.

The way forward is for both sides to talk about their wants and their view of the future.
However, the two sides do not share a reality. So how can anything ever be worked out?

To the WOKE, you are either WOKE, or you are Hitler. (very little grey area. very little wiggle room)
To the MAGA, who could be against freedom and apple pie?

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There will be a divide, a break up of the Americas, unless these two sides get together and actually talk through things. This will mean breaking down the edges of their reality, to get to something closer to real reality.

This revealing of true reality is what is happening all around us. The wool is being pulled off of our eyes. The mother WEFers and their ilk are being show for the truly evil creatures that they are.

If this happens fast enough, then we can stop this civil war.

But, i don't think that is going to happen.
Both sides want control of the govern-cement and want to use it against the other side. When truly, it is the govern-cement, the structure that has been created and shaped by those who want complete control, that is the problem.

The sides won't let go, so America, as we know it now, will split apart.

I suggest moving out to the country to live with people of similar mind to you. Become self sufficient and truly free.

Because the WOKE will die in their cities. Without an external enemy, this group will start turning on itself.

The MAGA will either learn to build their own freedom by becoming self sufficient, or they will be forever tools to balance out the WOKE.

It is going to get ugly, get out of the way of the ugliness. And pray for everyone to wake up and start seeing real reality.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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