We are firmly in AmRev2 (American Revolution 2.0)
It is important to know the sides in this.
Who are we fighting?
Who we need to fight.
And most importantly, how to fight.
Because the mother WEFers have plans for this continent, and it does not include the white men living here.
The plan was always to use up America and then crumple it up and throw it away.
The more recent plan was to build up China, take that over, move the WEF center there, and finish off America on the way out.
You can read all about their plans in Tragedy and Hope - Professor Carroll Quigley.
You can watch it unfold from the very first Mason's lodge built in DC (before the white house) through the Trilateral Commission.
Every minute that America has existed, the mother WEFers have worked on taking it over and controlling it.
The death nail was the Federal Reserve Bank
After that, America has been firmly in their control and going downhill to our destruction.
China was supposed to be the next home of those mother WEFers.
The built up China. Paid off American businessman to move manufacturing to China. And did everything they could to gut America.
Unfortunately, China is not doing what they were supposed to.
The Chinese did not accept their new leaders gracefully. Instead they double-crossed them. Maybe even tripple-crossed them. As the Chinese political system is wont to do.
Sooo, now what are the mother WEFers going to do?
Well, most of them have bunkers in New Zealand, But NZ isn't a very strong country they can use to bully others.
China not allowing the take over put real crimps in their plans.
But what is worse is China is not the military might it was supposed to become.
Most of its Navy cannot handle deep sea.
All of its military designs were stolen.
China is completely dependent on outside supplies of things like chips and HQ metals to build anything cutting edge.
China couldn't even build a ball point pen until recently. Before that, they were getting the precision ball and sleeve from Germany. (But, with great effort, and lots of money and focus from the CCP, China now makes a ball point pen all by themselves)
Still, China has goals of taking over America. To bring America to its needs financially, and then come in and save us.
China and the mother WEFers are after America, who else?
The UN.
The reason for the UN is to have a world wide military force that can be controlled by those at the top. Further reasons are the UN being held up as a humanitarian organization. Giving all humans rights... that can be taken away at any time... so not rights.
The Dumbocraps and the Repulsivekins
These two political parties were created to divide and conquer. The point and counterpoint. Designed to always move to the left. You can see it now with the 2024 election primaries. Kennedy and Trump are way out in front in the polls, but the political parties want nothing to do with that. Can you imagine the political parties not wanting to listen to their voters? Well, that is what they were made for. And you will find that they will take the vote away from the people, if the people vote wrongly.
Why does NATO still exist? It was supposed to be an anti-USSR collective, but the USSR died, and still NATO continues. Today it is a money laundering operation as well as another military that can be used by the people at the top. But, we are finding out in U-Crane that it is really a hollow and corrupt organization.
We have a group of people who want complete destruction of America, and to wipe out its people. "Limit world populations to 500,000,000... and that should be mostly Asians who follow orders well"
They are going to try to limit the American's diet on meat and dairy. Their goal is complete elimination of these, but their short term goal is less than 16kg of meat per person per year. Less than a hot dog a day.
The mother WEFers are getting the dem cities to self destruct. Not policing crime, but coming down hard on any who defend themselves. Destroying small businesses. Destroying the middle classes.
These WEFers have been planning this destruction for a long time.
Fortunately, they are easy to spot and get rid of. The mother WEFers destroy their children's minds so they grow up to be psychopaths and sociopaths. While they can do things in the dark, this is almost a super power. Blow up some buildings with people in them? No problem. But, when we start putting together their lies and what they actually do. Sharing who they are on the internetz. Then we can know who the bad guys are and ignore them out of existence.
We need to build new structures. Structures that aren't pyramidal in structure. Make sure any who will be in charge are not a psychopath by testing their compassion. (they can only mimic compassion, so it is actually quite easy to ferret them out) We never let these people be in charge again. We destroy their power base. We take away their ill gotten loot. We rebuild the world into a much more loving and caring place (loving and caring are things you will never get from a psychopath)
This is AmRev2
These are the real enemies. Those black masked anti-fascists are just goons that will go away when the money stops.
Cool heads will prevail