I know this post is probably going to piss off a lot of people.
Still, i hope you will read it, because there is a lot of information most people do not know about both of these areas of study.
And now to stick a fork in any good will i just created:
Astrology is a 5000 year old science.
Astronomy is some hack thing people have been manipulating for the past few centuries.
Nothing here is what it seems.
Up is down, black is white, and we are looking for something that "can't be seen, but has to be there in huge amounts", and we really need to know if this guy will be a great love partner for my life.

I know a lot of scientists (many astronomers) who went into astrology to debunk it.
Instead of debunking it, they found a beautiful structure that explained so many things in their lives and how the universe worked.
If you ever get a chance to have a birth astrology chart created and read by a really good astrologer, i suggest you take the opportunity. With knowing nothing but your birth date (time and location) they will give you a fairly accurate breakdown of the troubles in your life and what you find easy.
The more scientists look at the world, the more the notice cycles.
There is the biorhythm in humans, 23,28 & 33 day cycles that uncannily predict a persons' daily life.
There are business cycles.
There are yearly cycles
The study of astrology is the study of these cycles that are usually quite long.
The most well known is the lunar cycle.
People talk all the time about the crazies coming out during a full moon.
And most of the stealthy crime happens during a new moon.
Of course, everyone denies this. Even the police, but they have more police on duty during full moons.
The study of astrology may actually have nothing to do with the planets.
Many scientists believe that it is the planets' gravity that astrologers are talking about, and then go to prove that the doctor next to the baby has more gravitational influence on the baby than Jupiter...
As above, so below.
And this is probably what we are seeing here.
The planets are where they are in their cycle are the same as where humans are in their energy cycles.

People think, and scientists do not dissuade people of this, that humanity knows lots about the planets and the stars. However, they do not.
Scientists stopped measuring the speed of light... because it kept changing, and it was supposed to be fixed. (Einstein) Sooooo, they got together and fixed it. This means we do not know the constant by which all of astronomy measures things.
Einstein's theory is only 96% accurate in plotting the position of Mercury.
We just recently changed the distance to the sun to be 93 million miles
We just recently decided Pluto isn't a planet... as we found more Pluto like things orbiting the sun.
We can only guess how often a comet will visit the inner system, although we are supposedly able to track and map a trajectory with ease...
There is an object that orbits the earth called the "Dark Knight" that we have no clue about what is.
Scientists still believe that gravity is what holds the solar system together, and our galaxy.
So they have invented "black holes" and since that wasn't enough "dark matter" and "dark energy", none of which we have found yet.
First the earth was the center of the solar system
Then it was we orbit the sun
Now it is we spiral behind the sun as it moves through the galaxy
And still this does not fully explain the orbits of the planets.
Like, we track Venus going in front of the sun. And it does not go linearly across, it goes in a wwwww pattern.
All in all, we have very little understanding of Astronomy.
I am fairly sure the Astronomy book will be completely rewritten before shuffle off my mortal coil

Astrology & Astronomy
Astrology is not a collection of nice sounding words, applicable to anything, as several scientists have mistakenly attributed to it. Every sign has its strengths and weaknesses. Every house has different aspects.
The wisdom of astrology goes deep. And the ways these pieces interact is a beautiful, mathematical dance.
A group of astronomers have dropped gravity for the electric universe theory. And in so doing have made sense of so many phenomena that they observe. (like going from earth-centric to hello-centric made the orbits easier to see)
The Bible talks about the "Sun of God" (that big glowing thing in the sky) and his 12 disciples. (12 constellations).
Basically, if you know astrology, you will look at so much of the bible as an astrology manual.
There is so much left to learn about astronomy and astrology.
The reason for writing this post was to let people know that the idea that one is science and the other pseudo-science is complete bunk. Both should be studied in greater depth and can help out the world.
The Mayan calendar which predicted so much was simply based on cycles like those found in astrology. (but longer)
It is my opinion that astrology has been put down so much because the Vatican does not want us lowly people to be able to read and understand the Bible for ourselves. And other forces do not want us to know our position or importance to the universe.
So many lies. And i just want to shed some light on this weird area.