Banking Crisis Incoming!

in hive-110786 •  last year 


Just want to issue a warning to all people who do not know already.

The banking shenanigans are coming.
Probably this month there will be a brief period where you cannot get money out of your banks.

Then you will be limited to $50 or some stupidly small amount.

This will get resolved just in time for more banks to fail and get bought up by the bigs.

By summer the Fed is going to be pushing CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) called FedNow. It will rolled out in test areas. Like the give out EBT currently. Sending you a card that has your money on it.

In fact, they may be sending your tax refunds on these cards.

Big things are coming, be sure to have cash in your possession. And be sure to clean out your safety deposit boxes.

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The planned collapse of the dollar (FeRNs - Federal Reserve Notes) is under way.
The BRICS have stated that they are going to dedollarize by September.
These are not independent actions.

This is planned.

FeRNs are losing their value and usability, the banksters want to change to a new system before they lose all of their power.

They usually do this chicanery during a time of war, so know one notices are questions it. (Like Bretonwoods back in WWII) Soooo, they are really trying to instigate a big war to cover their tracks, but a lot of people aren't having it.

They thought they would get the world involved if they forced Russia to attack Ukraine, but Putin has been outmanoeuvring them there. They can't seem to drum up enough support for a war in America The propaganda is going full tilt... "we send tons of money to Ukraine, and they are winning... but they need more tanks, and bombs and fighter jets..." but anyone who is truly following this war is watching Ukraine get slowly eaten up by Russia.

So, the promise war is not coming about, and the FeRNs are dying. And lots of people around the globe are tired of The US meddling in their affairs.... this leaves those mother WEFers plans in quite a disarray.

But, for them, there is no going back.

Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!

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So, here are the pieces... and i am unsure if they will go into a cohesive whole...

  1. Force small banks to close
  2. Start forcing Americans to use digital dollars (FedNow)
  3. Continue to raise rates until America collapses
  4. Get America involved in a big war
  5. Push FedNow on everybody
  6. Have The US lose the war and have to give up their constitution.

But, things are going to happen that makes this all fail.

  • Many people will not accept FedNow
  • Black markets in everything will pop up
  • Walmart closes because of lack of goods to sell
  • Strategic natural disasters will cause nations to be unable to go to war.
  • Bitcoin become a world-wide currency
  • Trump wins the 2020 election
  • Congress gets fired
  • The UN gets thrown out of America
  • Washington and Oregon secede and Chinese troops defend these areas.
  • More TRUTH comes out than most people can handle.
  • Gold and silver prices are no longer set by the COMEX and go through the roof.

While all this is happening, the central banks will not be able to maintain control, nor will all the people willingly accept the new shit the Fed is peddling. All of the mother WEFer's plans will go haywire.

There will be mass pandemonium

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So, buy food
Get your money out of the banks, it is not safe there.
Find people that you can barter with.
Do not wait to buy things that will be useful, tradeable, and won't rot.
Get rid of unneeded expenses.
Sell that third car and that second home as soon as possible.

Things are going to get tricky.

Have cash, have silver, have cryptos.

There will be a time for each to get you through this.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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