The oldest, still functioning bitcoin faucet (use the referral code, i give 50% back to my referrals.)
If you aren't clicking every hour, all you need is an email address, and then have fun. It's free bitcoin.
This guy is an OG bitcoin miner and he started this faucet so long ago he was giving out entire bitcoins. Today the site is mostly a gambling site and that is how he pays for the faucet.
Every hour you can click for a chance to win $200 worth of bitcoin.
(and no outside advertisements)

Will faucets still exist in a year?
But that isn't really a blog post, my thoughts were on, this site is paying out 7 satoshis a click (its still satoshis), it used to be much more (OGs say it was 1.0 bitcoin long ago). The question going through my mind now is, how long can the faucets continue giving out full satoshis?
If you get less than a penny for the adverts on your site, and a satoshi is going towards one cent, then how long before you have to start giving out fractions of a satoshi? Because that will be how the math works out for you to make a profit.
This isn't hard, internally, inside your web site. You have to set minimums for withdrawls, and if this isn't to a lightning node, you need at least several thousand satoshis.
But it will just seem weird, because from our vantage point, satoshis are next to dust.

What happens when satoshis become the new $20 bill?
The price of a satoshi will soon be parity with The US penny.
But, after any kind of real adoption, the satoshi becomes a rather large number. Probably larger than your weekly grocery bill.
Of course we have lightning nodes to handle these micro transactions. In fact, the grocery store (if it still exists) will probably be running one.
This will happen, its just a matter of time and adoption.
People will think of crazy (they will think its normal, legit, and sounds good) names for fractions of a satoshi. Some word for picosats and nanosats
I know this is coming, but i also have a hard time wrapping my head around it.

We have all been waiting a long time for the real adoption to begin. And i love to think about it and ponder what the world will be like. Every time i get caught up in the 21 million bitcoin / 8 billion people numbers things just get weird.
First, the Pareto Principal defines a non-linear distribution of bitcoin.
Then add all the bitcoin that has been lost.
And you get to some numbers like, normal middle class americans will have 50-500,000 bitcoin to share. (and that will be a big share) But 500,000 / 300,000,000 leaves a tiny amount per person. Like a million sats per middle class american.
The rest of the world will probably have even less per person.
I assume with real money that things will start to even out around the world, but that still means we will be working with fractions of a satoshi. Just better get used to it.
No, really, what you get from one button click from this site, will pay for your groceries for a week.
This is just completely insane!