There are so many things going on that we are not privy to. (Like the Epstein Files)
What Trump says, and does, are two very different things. Many lovers of Trump either spin things so it sounds like the same thing, or they honestly do not know the difference.
Like Trump saying he is going to start a "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve" and then starts a "Strategic Crypto Reserve". There is a Yuge difference in between those two phrases, but to most people, the sound identical. And now, from, it is "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile" and seems overly concerned with regulation of cryptos.
My belief, from the evidence i have seen, is that Trump is in position to oversee the bankruptcy of the corporation, "The United States". Everything that he has done seems to line up along those lines. Find and catalogue all the assets. Work on monetizing assets…

Some interesting points in future history
These points have been viewed by several psychics/remote viewers. And when several, unconnected psychics say the same thing, there is usually something to it. (expect details to change)
Trump moves the capital of America west. Like to somewhere around Chicago.
Congress critters are hit with something so shocking, that many are noted to have thrown up.
Congress critters are arrested on the floor of the Capital Building.
Washington, and maybe Oregon separate from America. Blue helmets are seen on the streets of Seattle.
Things that we know, but not why
Gitmo has been built up with more housing/more beds.
China demographics are dropping like a rock. China still needs more food to feed its people.
Three Gorges Damn is still moving.
Most congress critters have IsReal? citizenship and passport.
The most feared thing about U-crane is that the laundromat has been shut down.
Congress critters are all acting as one to oppose D.O.G.E. Even reading off of scripts to condemn what is happening.

What does bankruptcy mean for The US?
What a bankruptcy means is a meeting to decide who gets what assets and who gets stuck with the debt. On the way to that meeting, everything must be assayed. All the assets and all the debts. Like, the gold in Fort Knox.
When a new CEO brought in to rework a company starts off by finding all the dead weight and cutting it. Lots of pink slips. Lots of workers being asked, "and what do you do here?"
The REALLY YUGE problem is that the owners of The US want to run off with all the assets and dump all the debt on others. They know that the clock is ticking on the Federal Reserve. And T.H.E.Y. want to set up a new monetary system. T.H.E.Y. want to keep all the gold. And T.H.E.Y. want to stick the little people with all the debt. (yes, T.H.E.Y. did that last time with (American) War of Independence and the Civil War (1.0) the debt was forwarded to the "new" govern-cement)
Basically, from the little person who doesn't know what is happening, it will seem like Govern-cement gets rearranged, and we will have a new "money".
What will happens is that the old corporation dies, and a new corporation is formed. The new corporation is left without any assets of the previous one, and the debt (that is left) will be re-apportioned. (renamed)

America's capital
Well, Washington DC is a swamp. It is run by foreign actors. There isn't anything American in there. We should build a wall around the 69 square miles of foreign occupied territory along the Potomac.
I am unsure if America owns any part of that swamp. No, really, look into who/what owns it. And do not be fooled by similar sounding corporation names. And then you have the Cocain Import Agency that T.H.E.Y. run. The US has no control over the Cocain Import Agency, they do what they want. Including going to "war" against other countries.
Washington DC may be hit with a nuke, or a (created) tidal wave.
Maybe the UN forces take over the area.
Maybe America breaks apart, and so, all the blue cities leave, and so America's capital has to be relocated.

T.H.E.Y. fail
The thing about deceptions and "laws" is that they do not hold up against people with pitchforks and torches.
Imagine if Billy Gatez doesn't allow any crops to be grown on "his" farmland, and that causes lots of people to starve. Yes, he technically owns that farmland and can do with it what he wants. However, people can choose to hang an evil villain for crimes against humanity. There may just be a bad year, and people will be out looking to string up Billy Gatez.
The law may say that T.H.E.Y. are allowed to take everything, because T.H.E.Y. own everything but that usually doesn't go very well. When a bank takes one farm, most people say, that is just the way things go. If the bank takes all the farms, well then everyone either goes hungry, or banksters are rounded up and run out of town on a rail.
What is happening right now is people are waking up to the reality that the banksters are screwing everyone over.
The people are seeing that T.H.E.Y. are doing bad things, with their tax dollars
And when people really find out about all the child trafficking and what becomes of those children, there will not be a place on Earth where T.H.E.Y. can hide.

America and many countries break up. (some come together) The question for America is will the separation be peaceful or bloody?
Right now, MAGA would be happy owning the middle of America. If Trump leads the MAGAites to form a new capital, we may see the conservative middle just saying, good riddance to most of the coastal cities, and starting a new America.
The WOKE population are fuming that they are no longer in charge (they never were, but they believed so) and may leave the union out of sheer spite. Not even think of the consequences, like where their water, food and electricity comes from.
Another big question is, does FEMA get defunded before or after things go kinetic?
The whole thing about FEMA is that these camps only work if you are locking up a small percentage of citizens, and that most people consider those locked up as bad guys. While the govern-cement is seen as still being in charge, and most people have a future to look forward to. All of that support structure is going away. So, FEMA goes away, but is that before or after they try to lock up dissidents?
And then there is all the natural disasters that will be happening alongside all of this. The govern-cement agencies, if they are not already defunded, will be worked to the max trying to clean up.

In the end, The United States of America ceases to be really important.
Tribes/Families dotted all across the area that was called the USA will be in a loose coalition, and those in the govern-cement will be mostly there to help groups out, especially with inter-group problems/negotiations. There won't be a national govern-cement like we have today.
Tribes/Families will mostly take care of their own needs/policing/feeding/housing and a higher govern-cement will just not be needed. Further, the power given to any government will be situational and revocable.
This future is coming. However, we have a lot of stuff going to happen between now and then. And how long it takes is how long it takes for humans to start allowing people over there to do their own thing, and follow their own ways. Further, things get a lot better once we get rid of T.H.E.M. out of all positions of power.
Be prepared for Pandemonium.