Debates? Or Side Shows? - What were we shown last night?

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 


Last night there was two debates, and a lot of fuss...
All this fuss over who to vote in as Potus... like they could fix the problem.

The politicians that are allowed to stay in politics (except a few) are those who will bend to the will of the oligarchs.
And they will bend because they are psychopaths who want power.
Like offering alcohol to an alcoholic, the oligarchs lure in the psychopaths offering them power, fame and glory as long as they follow the rules. The Federal EndTable of Intimidation is an organization used to keep tabs on these people and manage their control files. (all the dirt on them)

So, not only can these politi-roaches not fix the problems, they do not want to fix the problems. Each and every problem is a flow of money into their pockets or the pockets of their friends (or children). The politician's problem is how to make it look like they are doing work, while doing nothing to fix the problem.

So, much fuss over nothing. (but maybe Trump is actually an outsider?)

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Mayer Rots-child said, "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws"

Of course he lied.
After he got America to accept his central bank, he continued on making sure his people were the ones elected. Usually making sure that any important election was a run off between his guy, and his guy.

You may even say that the Rots-children were responsible for our current two party system. (and still hold veto, or superpac powers over them)

And while rots-children can print all the money they desire, they can keep this network of secrecy going. It costs a lot to keep all these people bribed. But as soon as that stops, their entire structure falls apart.

So, getting rid of the central banks is really step one of any actual move to fix anything.

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The BRICS nations are making news. They are talking about ditching the dollar and just using their own currencies. And they have also added a half dozen more nations to their group.

Is this good? Or is this just a game of three card monty with one Rots-child bank replace with another Rots-child bank.

The way that "everyone in congress" keeps sending tons of money to U-crane (the worlds money laundromat) you would think that maybe Rots-children are scared of being overthrown... but i doubt it. They pretty much have put themselves on each side of every conflict, so it really didn't matter which side won.

And right now, the game is to start a world war and then change the currency on everyone to their new CBDCs.

It would be nice to think it is the world against the Rots-children, but i doubt it, but maybe.
Putting and Xi both seems to be against the big banks and the oligarchs controlling them, but... there is lots of evidence to say that they are just putting up a show for us.

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So, last night we were treated by a side show (all the 2nds in the Repulsivikin race).
The main show was with Trump and Carlson.

But was it a real show?
Trump being indicted 4 times for garbage reasons.
Carlson getting kicked off of Fox, for using the wrong words? Nothing goes out over that network without way too many approvals and signatures.

So, was that a real show? Or a distraction for all the MAGA people?

Anyway, if Trump doesn't get rid of the central bank, it really doesn't matter if he gets elected or not.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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