Everywhere i look, the old traditions are falling apart, or are being trampled upon for a buck.
Today will be Thanksgiving Day in America, but already all the stores have their Christmas decorations out, and all the toys out for sale. Except for the grocery stores, i wouldn't even know it was Turkey Day.
What is more fitting for a day that started in infamy?
Now, i love giving thanks. And feel that being thankful helps your life to run better.
But really, what is all this shit?

A quick recap of what Thanksgiving Day means
In the before times, like when the Pilgrims first arrived to the "New World", when something great would happen, or when some tragedy was narrowly missed, a person would call for "a day of thanks". And, it would be an impromptu feast. A day of giving thanks to God for the things that had happened.
The Pilgrims had many tribulations, and they may have had many "days of thanks", but they didn't start Thanksgiving. (and the native Americans had lots to be thankful for, because the Pilgrims helped the tribe survive, and the indians helped the Pilgrims survive. Each with their different ways and know how)
The actual first Thanksgiving Day actually started a LOOONNG time later under President Lincoln.
You see, the New Yorkers didn't like getting rounded up and conscripted for the Union Army. And they were starting to riot. President Lincoln ordered the troops in NY City to fire down the streets. This dispersed the rioters, but also made a lot of people very upset Lincoln, the army, the war…
To quell this upset, President Lincoln called national for a day of thanks giving. What became, Thanksgiving Day.
Not the cheerful holiday you might have thought. And all that Pilgrim stuff taught in school is bunk.

Our traditions are being trampled upon
What do you call it when our traditions should be pushed aside because they may make other people uneasy, or upset, and then, the MSM tries to encourage all the other races/nationalities/religions (besides white Christians) to maintain their traditions? And then the MSmockingbirdM says, "we aren't trying to kill X'mas"
Well, the MSmockingbirdM are lying, deceiving, two-faced minions of Lucifer worshippers.
And we don't see much attention put into the spirit of the holiday by corporations, instead what we see is cheap ornaments for sale. The "holiday spirit" is a thin veil over the want to part consumers from their money. Santa is everywhere, already, ringing a bell to beg people to donate.
We are losing our traditions. Our blood families are all over the nation, separated because many had to leave the area of their fathers' to find jobs. And we haven't formed our "tribes" yet. Everything is broken down.
And the worst is that we rarely focus on what the holiday is about. How many know about the powers of giving thanks? How many know that being grateful reinforces what you want to see in this world.

Did Brandon Pardon a Turkey?
Do we even have a president? Does Sleepy Joe still exist? We have seen a plethora of Biden look alikes. We haven't seen any pictures of Joe in the White House. The images we have seen are all in the set that was made for doing movies, that are in the "White House". Else, we have seen Joe wander around out in the Rose Garden.
Nothing is as it should be. All of our rituals and traditions around the presidency have been destroyed this term.
We have been given a low level, continuous dose of seeing Joe mess up. And, these footages were not released by accident, or secretly recorded. Every one of them was planned, orchestrated, and probably even rehearsed. Especially the scenes of Biden tripping falling going up stairs. If you haven't seen it, look for Biden / Jim Carrey falling up stairs (in movie) side by side. The timing is identical.
So, will Brandon pardon a turkey today, as has been usual for a president to do every year? Or will they destroy this tradition too?

I hope that every one of you gets to be with friends today and enjoy a feast together.
Even if you are alone, treat yourself well. (yes, i have had turkey ramen on this day, be thankful you have something to eat)
It would be very great, for your life, to think of many things you are thankful for.
Make a list. Write them down. Read them out loud, and give thanks to each one. (or do it silently in your head, if there are people looking at you like you might be insane)
I would also like to suggest that you start new traditions. Especially as you find your tribe. Make new traditions with them. It really doesn't matter what they are, but that your group comes together and puts focus towards what is good. Humans are social creatures. And many of us need a structure to fit into. Else, we will wall flowers, invisible, not really there. But, when we have an event, where we know we are supposed to be engaged in, and we know the moves, we can get the socialization. And the other half of the people, just need a reason to party.
Be well on this day all of you.