Equity - Cutting Everyone Off At the Knees So That No One is Too Tall

in hive-110786 •  last year 


The biggest error that wanna-be communists/socialists make, is that they assume production output will stay the same.

They believe the machine will just keep running. It is the workers, after all, that do all the work, right?
However, this is not the case, and this false idea has to die.
(it has to die, people's lives are at stake)

Under capitalism, the group of people who are better than everyone else, who are able to create more, build more, put together more, and/or sell more, are responsible for 80% of the production.


Without the incentives provided by capitalism, these people do not perform at way above normal. In fact, the typical way that socialism/communism comes about is with this class of people being hunted to extinction. The nail that stands higher than the others gets pounded. So, instead of keeping this higher level of output you had in capitalism, communism/socialism not only lowers productivity, but actually squelches productivity.

The double whammy of the lies

  1. The workers do all the work
  2. Nothing will change if you got rid of everyone but the production line workers

Leads directly to people starving.

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Equity sound good ONLY IF the outputs are held constant.

And since the factory workers are dumbed down by the Praetorian Schooling System (school for making people smart enough to work the machine, but to stupid to know better, and quite obedient) they do not realize all the other things that go into making a product and selling it.

They do not realize that all their worldly things are brought to them by a few people who are able to put together the system they are now working in. They believe the system was always there. Like a dog believes the owner just produces food.

But this is not the case. A lot more goes into making and selling a product then the factory line workers

If you look at Robert Kiyosaki's (Rich Dad / Poor Dad) B-I Triangle, you will notice that the product is the tiniest part of a successful business.

So, the workers, believing that they are why the product exists, are extremely delusional. I know it is easy to think when you are on the line assembling things, or doing paperwork, or packing boxes, that you are doing all the work, and you feel like you are getting nothing, the bosses are getting everything. (in reality workers get 90% of the income, the bosses usually get about 1-3%. But the 90% is spread around hundreds, sometimes thousands of people, while that 1% is split between a handful)

The average worker doesn't understand business or economics, and thus doesn't see how much they will lose if they destroy the system.

Equity can never lift someone up. It makes everyone equally poor. It lowers everyone down to the bottom, and then some.

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The other side of the coin, and why the concept of equity exists in the first place.

The lower 80% cannot compete with the upper 20%.

The top 20% produce 80%
That is 4 times the amount that 4 times the people do.

It is like an average, middle aged man has a dunking contest with Michael Jordan. Even if the average man has shot a lot of hoops in his life, the number of dunks will be extremely lopsided.

The top producing people are light years ahead of the competition. In fact, there is a saying that goes around people who who have made it to the top. "It is lonely at the top" There are so few people who make it to the top. And it is a situation very few can even compete in to begin with.

So, when you look at life, and you expect some fairness, you will notice that it is extremely lopsided.
A 1000 people have $1,000 each, and 1 person has $1,000,000

And if we do not do something to level things out a bit, those 1000 people get very resentful. They do not see that that person who has a million dollars got there by getting a thousand people a thousand dollars at least a dozen times before letting himself have a million.

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This is a problem that has been going on since time immemorial.

Further, it is serious exacerbated by the parasite class.
The class that usually foments revolution in the hearts of the workers.

The owners of the central banks skim 5% off of everything everyone does.
And 5% isn't much, but the compounding makes everyone poor.

Even worse, it makes the slowest people destitute.
If you aren't growing at better than 5% every year, than you are losing.

And you add inflation on top of this (yes, the 5% is taken even without inflation) then you see that everyone is losing because of a small group of people taking (controlling) everyone's money.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.
Top meme gotten off of Twitter somewhere

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