Florida will be beset with more damaging waters, from both sides.
A part of Califonia will break off and fall into the sea.
These are just the big things that are going to happen soon. There will be a lot more "natural" disasters all over the world.
Everything on this world will be shaken up. The govern-cements, the monetary system, the borders, the land masses.

It has been foreseen that Florida will sink below the waves.
I do not know when it happens, but people who scry into the future, all say that they see Florida gone. And Florida right now is being beset by Hurricanes. First one side, and then probably the other.
And then we also have foreseen a large wave from the Atlantic hitting New York, and a large wave hitting Florida. (may be the same wave)
But, this will probably not what puts Florida under the waves, that will be the ice-age that we are now entering raising the ocean levels all over the world.
Mankind will struggle to hold back the rising ocean levels (or sinking ground) to no avail. All of our industries near the ocean will be underwater. Our time and energy spent trying to hold back the ocean, will be wasted.

California is in for some big changes.
California used to be an island off the coast of America. It looks like a large lake emptied into the ocean, depositing a lot of mud, in what is now Central Valley. Filling in the Area between the American coast and the island of California.
Things may revert to their previous state.
Lots of rain in areas that have been dry for too long are starting to bring lakes that were gone, back. These rains are also washing out farmlands which do not have adequate channels to deal with all the rain we have currently been getting.
Further, these rains are being soaked up by the clay layer that is all over California, causing things to slide around. And we will see a chunks of California leave to become one with the Pacific ocean.

The Mississippi floods
The Mississippi river will flood like we haven't seen. We are talking about taking out several of the large bridges, flooding. Basically dividing America in two.
We aren't ready for the amount of water we are going to see falling from the sky.
And one of the most affected spots in the country will be the Mississippi river valley.
We do not have nearly enough ways to deal with a lot more river than we have ever seen. These floods are going to redraw maps. The borders, the rivers, where the roads go. Anyone who has houses near the river, without a lot of a height, is going to get flooded, and maybe washed out.
We really should be getting ahead of this, but we have seen how FEMA "helps" people.

To everyone, move south and up in elevation.
The weather will probably get 20° F colder in every place. So, up in Canada, that will mean permanently frozen areas. Our winters are going to get longer. So, it is not just surviving a little while, it will get longer and colder. So, move south to a place that will feel like your winters now.
Flooding will be rampant. Move to higher elevations.
Fires will become more common. So prepare for those too.
And food. The prices will be higher and the quality lower. Really work at growing your own.
Have lots of stored foods, because, even without the govern-cement going all stasi on everyone, and mostly fiery but peaceful protests, there are going to be a lot more natural disasters. Just being able to avoid going to the store for a while will make a huge difference in your surviving or not.