Cities, especially blue cities are going to be very bad places to be.
Here, in America, the mother WEFers have plans. They have been paying for people to burn down parts of cities. They have been paying people to enact policies that will kill the city.
The mother WEFers have plans and you will comply and/or be rounded up. You will have your utilities turned off if you do not comply. You may have your utilities turned off, without you even doing anything.
The mother WEFers have moved in sleeper cells and will be doing as much havoc as it takes to make the citizenry comply.
In Europe, it is going to be all of this, and huge flow of migrants. Probably back to Africa.

riots are coming.
There will be more paid for riots. It is in the plans. More places will be burnt to the ground, to make way for new construction.
On top of this, there will be riots as people cannot take it anymore. As more people lose their houses and their jobs.
And lastly, the big one, food riots are coming.

martial law is coming
After the riots, they will try to impose military law. The "cops" will now be running around brandishing assault weapons.
I do not know what guise(s) they are going to use. Could be UN soldiers with blue helmets. Could be Chinese soldiers. Could be the national guard in some places. It might just be the police, with more armored troop carriers.
But, whatever it is, there will be a military-like presence. Of course they will come in to "stop the riots" or for some other excuse, but the military-like presence will stay.
The city councils and the mayors of all these cities have already been bought and paid for.

15 minute cities are coming
The places of mostly fiery but peaceful protests will be rebuilt into 15 minute cities. (open air prisons by another name)
They will do a lot of campaigning to get people to love their new prisons.
They will be spoken of as utopias.
"Everyone just loves living there".

jobs, stores and utility services are leaving
There is not much reason to stay in the big cities. All the jobs will disappear and dry up. Over a long enough time, all the fast food places will not much staff. All automated. And so will many other jobs disappear. They will probably blame it on "AI", but it is just the mother WEFers plans to cut good employment.
The malls are gone. Soon the big stores will be gone too.
I am surprised that most of the stores in places like San Fran are not just concrete block bunkers with a bullet proof window and a steel one-way door to push out your order.
We might start seeing gated-community stores. Where you have to be let into the area to go shopping.
And then the utilities, which are already ageing, are going to start failing. On purpose and accident.
There will just be no real reason to stay in the cities.

So, get out while you still have some home equity.
Get away to some place you can grow your own food.
I know it doesn't seem like things are too bad now, but the mother WEFers have plans. And things are going to get much worse.