Govern-Cements Are Trying To Corner the Market on Lithium?

in hive-110786 •  3 months ago 


It looks like the Cocain Import Agency is up to its usual tricks.
Acquiring resources in other countries, by underhanded means.

This is why there was a coup attempt in Bolivia:

And The US can't stand to have Russia to get it.

The American people have no idea its happening and why everyone is upset at us.

But this is the usual. SOP.

However, i want to take this example to show how the Elite are failing big time. Because they do not understand that the energy is changing. And so, everything is changing, what are resources is changing, what is a asset is changing.

(sorry, i should say that the ELite know the energy is changing, and they are doing everything they can to stop it)

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Lithium needed for batteries?

The ELite want electric self driving cars so they can totally control your car. Can determine where you go, and choose whether to allow you. Decide if you can charge or not. Decide if you should be driven to the police station.

And those dreams require lithium.

It is the reason so much govern-cement money has flowed into Tesla.

Or maybe the ELite just want a bunch of explosives in everyone's home?
At any moment, that LiIon battery can start to break down, and then a fire so hot it burns concrete starts. I bet you could get this to happen remotely if you could control the charger.

Either way, the ELite want to control the lithium mining. And they are putting their human resources to work trying to secure it. Unfortunately for them, we are no longer playing that game, and we won't need much lithium in the future.

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The actual future of electric cars

In the near future, we will use magnet motors along with super capacitors to power things like vehicles.
LiIon batteries is only a fad.

And we haven't even talked about the health problems of sitting near an EM field created by those batteries. Lowering testosterone and fertility.

LiIon batteries are poor choice for anything larger than small batteries. And, when the new stuff starts coming out, LiIon will quickly be dropped.

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So, this is another example of the ELite buying up assets that will no longer be assets in the future.

They are trying to play the old game again. Well, it has worked so often. The same play book. The same false flags. The same control the media.

This time, when they play the old game, they are going to get utterly destroyed.
Its like the ELite are playing Monopoly, and the world has started playing The Game of Life, and now, all the money (Monopoly has $1000 bills, Life has $1,000,000 bills) and the property they amassed is meaningless. They owned Board Walk! And now, wealthy people are fleeing NY.

The ELite are fighting over lithium, when it will be mostly useless in the near future.

Understand this shift that is happening, and invest in the new paradigm. Work on releasing your grip of "assets" from the old paradigm.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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