Those mother WEFers are really pushing bug consumption onto the people.
Now, if you want to eat bugs, go for it. Not gonna stop anybody. And, as far as i know, it has been quite easy to get some bugs to eat... unless of course you have chickens, then you have got yourself some competition...
However, i really dislike that a group of people have gotten together, built cricket and grasshopper raising operations in remote, out of the way locations, and have been pushing the consumption in subtle ways. Subtle meaning they talked to your $choolboard and decided to include bugs in your kids meals.
Why are they pushing this?
It could be that the mother WEFers think that starvation is coming and so the believe insects are the best, cheapest way to feed everyone.
Or it could be that they want everyone sick with various parasites in their guts.
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Bugs as food?
Meal worms, a far better source of protein than crickets and grasshoppers, have long been grown for animal consumption. Chickens love them.
But, do we feed chickens pure meal worms? No, they are too expensive.
To grow bugs, you basically feed them the same stuff you would feed chickens. Various plants and seeds.
We aren't saving the environment. I have been told that raising bugs actually costs more.
Soooo many questions.
However, bugs are not a cheaper or better source of protein. Nor does it seem to be better for the environment.
(I may be wrong about this, but i doubt i am. I know what goes into farming)
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Bugs in your food
The FDA and other regulating agencies have already allowed the processing and packaging of products that contain insects.
Already, a certain percentage of insects are allowed in your ketchup. (insects get into the food manufacturing process. Its impossible to keep them out) It was "up to 3%", now i think it is more, and Heinz doesn't have to put it on the label, even if they fill up that 3% on purpose.
We will see all kinds of new names like "Cr-unchy coating" (Cricket based meal) or something innocuous like "Mannsford's meal™ " and they will add that to the ingredients list. And if you don't follow the new names closely, well that thing you just bought may not have in it what you thought it did. The box may even have no signs that the ingredients list has changed.
So, prepare to see Wonder® Bread (you wonder if it is bread) now has some new kind of meal in it.
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I really have no clue.
It is hard to decide if "minor attracted adults" or "eat ze insects" is a harder sell.
Why would those mother WEFers push this?
And push it they are. No one goes and builds great big factories in remote locations without doing market research and seeing some demand for it.
Instead we see a lot of pushback.
So, why?
- They honestly believe the only way to feed the population of earth is to have everyone eat bugs.
- They indeed ARE lizard-people and think, why doesn't everyone eat the bugs? they are tasty!
- They want to make everyone sicker and poorer
- They get a sick perversion out of making people do gross things. (think of the things the TSA made people do)
- The plan to bring about the end Biblical times and figure to have enough locusts ready.
Please share any thoughts you have on why they would do this.
Because i can see this happening. But i cannot find a reason for the madness.
Maybe the answer is "all the above"
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