Hanlon's Razor, not so very sharp

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 

Hanlons Razor

Hanlon's Razor:

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Once is happenstance
Twice is coincidence
Thrice is enemy action

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Hanlon's Razor seems like a good, middle path to take when dealing with people.
And if you are dealing with neighors, it may be a good position to keep.

However, when dealing with govern-cement, and positions of power, it is probably a better plan to say

Never attribute an action of a politician to stupidity, it is most likely malice.

Bushy and Hitlery are clearly Psychopaths

This is because the higher you go in a pyramid structure, the more likely you are to be dealing with a narcissists, psychopath or sociopath. These people care as much for you as you care for your television. The chances of them passing a fair and balanced law is just about nil.

And what have we seen with every suspected terror type act (false flag)? That they vote to restrict peoples' rights further.

Each and every time, it is a step towards totalitarianism.

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Stupidity is random. Like flipping a coin, or rolling a dice: 1,4,6,5,2,1,3,....
Malice is very linear. Like enemy action, always against you: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1....

And if you look at a graph of what normal people want and what politicians vote for, there is no correlation. Its like the average voter is ignored completely.

But if you look at things politicians all vote for, more tyranny. Each and every time.
Also, often in the evening, just before a weekend, just after something big and newsworthy (not the same top the MSM) happened, these politicians will vote, almost unanimously, on something that the normal voter will hate.

So, we can definitely say that that part of Hanlon's Razor "...which is adequately explained by..." as failing. And can easily show, above 90% surety, that politicians are not acting in stupidity, but in malice.

(This does not mean that they are not stupid, but it does mean that their actions are in malice. And that may be attributed to the people that tell them how to vote. And that is even worse.)

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Again it all comes down to having narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths in charge. Thus we must remove these people from any place or position of power.

The world depends on this.

How can we continue existing when we have people who think that a limited nuclear exchange will end well?

It doesn't matter how well written a constitution is written, with evil people at the helm, evil will be done. And a system will be formed by psychopaths for psychopaths to have all important elections be between two evils. Never can there be allowed a race where a normal person might get in charge. Never can there be allowed a person who runs that is not under control. (except a few can be allowed. The illusion of voting must be maintained, and a few "good" people are useful to say, look, we are not all evil....)

We need to get rid of Hanlon's Razor. It has been proven false on any large enough scale.

And we need to start testing politicians, running for office, for empathy.
Put them on the spot. Put them in the hot seat. In front of the TV cameras and ask them, "list 10 qualities that their opponent has that would make them a good person for the position."

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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