How To Fix Monopolies

in hive-110786 •  4 months ago 


The Mises institute likes to say that Monopolies, in a free market wouldn't exist, however, this is only with a level playing field, and no group that is 10x or 100x better/bigger/stronger than the others.

There are many ways monopolies can form, and not all monopolies are bad.

In fact, a certain train of thought is that only when you have a monopoly can you have enough spare revenue to do good things with your company. As in, if you are building a commodity, the free market will push the profits down to zero. And thus, a commodity making company would have nothing to spend on improving the world, or their widget, or anything.

There is one company in the world that makes those little brass things you see on the ends of shoe laces. They make a solid product. They sell it for a decent price. No one complains. And life goes on for this little monopoly.

However, there is a group of people who feel they must have control over everything and everyone. And this group buys out, threatens out, bribes out, any competition. And these are the worst monopolies, actually ruining and destroy our lives and our planet. But, the govern-cements do not break them up, instead, they encourage them and protect them.

The big examples i gave in yesterday's post was Power companies and Oil companies.

And today i will write about what to do about the monopolies.

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The anatomy of a monopoly

There are a lot of monopolies.

Every new product that comes out is a monopoly (usually for a short time, unless the product is a flop)

Lots of niche serving companies are monopolies because there are few companies, especially of any size, that want to serve such a small market.

The large, dangerous monopolies are created using force to control the market.

We, as little people, are bamboozled by economics classes showing us that a monopoly will quickly be busted, because things. But, we do not comprehend the mafia that runs the world. We just see some big corporations. We don't see that they all work for the same group of people, and all fly to Davos to get their marching orders each year.

Do you think Microsloth Winders is the biggest operating system because they were the best?
Do you think pineApple Macs is actually a competitor?

Anyone remember the Amiga? Or the dozens of other small companies that were bought up by Billy Gatez, or destroyed?

Microsloth is a monopoly. Everyone knows it, and all the big power players keep it that way. The Cocain Import Agency and the Federal Endtable of Intimidation are some of their biggest supporters. (no, really, there is code in Winders, that are specifically there for them)

The same with the oil and electric companies. There may look like there is competition, but that is just window dressing. (oh the stories i could tell…) They all go in lockstep. And they all destroy any competition that actually shows up. No holds barred destroy. Including taking out family members.

Basically, these monopolies have all the money behind them (the Fed is a monopoly) and are unassailable on that front. They have bought all the politicians and so, cannot be fought on that front.

So, how do we fight this Khazarian-mafia and their monopolies?

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Winning without fighting

Do not be David going after Goliath. You do not have the support of an army behind you, and one big baddie in front of you. And you are fighting a group that is world wide and not afraid to use force against you. Not to mention all their minions, and all the brainwashed masses who believe the mafia doesn't exist, who will fight you, to protect their cognitive dissonance.

We must leave their system.
And their system is almost like the air we breath.

The fiat currency we use, the Wallymarts and every item in it, the grocery stores, the rents and mortgages, and of course, the power companies.

Basically, you have to go into the mountains and build a log cabin, and stay there to get away from their system (as long as their po-po don't find you)

Fortunately the universe and technology are here to help us break free.

Bitcoin is one example, 3D printers another, Linux OS, and PV solar arrays still another example.

Everything to fight a mafia-monopoly is its opposite. Unowned, uncontrolled, decentralized, ubiquitous and flowing (goes around obstacles, instead of powering through them)

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Ants marching

A human can easily kill one ant, but the rest continue marching. (when going up against the Khazarian-mafia, we must comprehend that we are putting our lives on the line, we must also understand that the goal is worth it)

As each of us embrace technology that puts each of us back in control of our own lives, the mafia's power dwindles.

The govern-cements think they are all powerful with their drones, and their robo-dogs, but they will find that their tech lead is short lived. Just imagine what good-ole-boys will do with drones. All we really need is some bricks, floating in the sky that get in the way of anything flying towards us. Pentagon spends a million dollars, the hill-billies spend hundred dollars to neutralize it.

And what will really make this work is bitcoin. When the govern-cements cannot print money, they will actually have to get a million dollars from somewhere. And that is hard. Much harder then next time, and even harder the next… As the free money disappears, so much of what the govern-cement does comes to a grinding halt. So much of what the Khazarian-mafia does comes to a halt when they can no longer bribe all their stooges.

As each of us stops buying from Wallymarts and buys from a local producer that entire control system breaks down. It runs on a very tight percentage margin so that no one can compete with them (maintain their monopoly). And so, a few holes in the dam, and they will either have to raise their margins, inviting more competition, or run at a loss, or close up shop.

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The future will bring even better, more freeing technologies.

Things like continuous, non-polluting, energy sources.
Things like cars that do not run on gasoline, nor need charging from their electric grid.

Think of the meaninglessness of borders when we all have flying cars. They will be less meaningful than banks after everyone learns about self-custody.

Microsloth is powerless in the face of Linux. They are now trying to lure in Linux programmers by offering them partnership money. But, this will fail because it is already too wide spread.

Inventions are coming that will make the individual even more free. To the inventors, you cannot stay in the old system, where you would patent it and then sell the patent to a large corp. The large corporations will just take it from you, and destroy you in the process. Instead, publish everything. All your findings, all your research, all your schematics. People will remember you, and much support will come your way.

The dinosaurs are dying, their death is inevitable, however, they will fight with all their might to their last breath. Expect the evil to be turned up to 11. We will win. Stay out from under thrashing dinosaurs.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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