I Really Hope That the Changeover Goes As Smoothly As the Election, But I Don't Think So

in hive-110786 •  2 months ago 


Well, Trump has been elected, but will their be a White House, or a The U.S. by the time he is supposed to be sworn in?

FEMA is setting up a massive base in Michigan.
Almost more tractor trailers than residents in that area.

Benefits for migrants are running out (or being turned off)

It seems as if Biden has left the building. And Kamala is planning on NOT leaving.

Anyway, how much damage can Horrible Harris do in two months? Future forecasters say LOTS!

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The election

I thought there would be more fireworks on election day. However, there was much more of a landslide victory for Trump than i anticipated. So, the [DS] probably decided to give up, because rigging the election would mean giving Harris more votes than people in The US.

Also, much of the tom foolery was caught and almost not reported. Like, four post office trucks, loaded with ballots, going to the vote counting station in the dead of the night where stopped by police. Never heard a peep by the MSM. And can't even confirm that this happened.

Image from Zero Hedge

There are also rumors about a supreme court case ruling on the 2020 election. And the conclusion will be dropped on the population like a boom.

Anyway, this election was much quieter than i anticipated. I hope it lasts.

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FEMA is up to something

Well, FEMA is denying help to people affected by the hurricane if they have Trump signs in their yard. And when this came to light, a mid level official was thrown under the bus. But, we all know this came from higher up. Will that come out?

And now, FEMA is parking a WHOLE LOT of trucks in an area in Michigan. What are they anticipating?

A HUGE freeze? Month long snow storm keeping food from the north?

Or is it C.O.G.? (continuity of Govern-cement) Are they preparing for the Biblical meltdown of Washington DC?

There are also rumors of FEMA setting up camps, and National Guard fighting them.

So much rumor, so little evidence, but we know that FEMA trucks are in large numbers in places they aught not be.

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No EBT for migrants

It appears that New York "ran out of money" to pay migrant EBT cards, and so, leaving a lot of people without their source of food. This seems really weird for the govern-cement to do. Like, there is usually more hub-bub about running out of money, and please give us more, or else, happening first. Did i (we) miss this?

However, if you want upset migrants, that are hangry (hungry and angry) then this is the way you do it.

Migrants are in the wrong places in the wrong numbers.
If they were supposed to be for filling jobs, then they should be near the jobs, not in small towns where there are more migrants than citizens.

Nothing about how migrants are being handled makes any sense if you believe the MSM narrative of them just being people looking for opportunities in the land of the free. However, if you believe that they are a destabilizing force, or an army meant to take over America, or to disrupt America, then they are in all the right places.

The migrants will be heading south. All over the world. They have worn out their welcome, and the migrants are also not happy with their lot (what they were promised, is not what they got. And it is also too cold for them). So they will all be heading south soon.

This heading south will probably be encouraged with pew-pews. As the "migrants" do things so heinous, that the locals will not allow their continued existence.

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Kamala is president

Why bother so late in the term? But, it seems they are preparing to remove Sleepy Joe, and let Kamala (Horrible) Harris be president for a couple months.

With that done, then they move California Governor Nuissance to become V.P. Which would bring much rejoicing to California residents. (but who, more horrible, will they get to replace him?)

There are also rumors that the [DS] is going to block everything by not certifying the election. And this could tie things up for months. Or, they hope. Maybe that will be used by the military, or national guard as a provocation to remove many bad actors from D.C.

It is very likely that there is a Deep State contingent and a Trump contingent. (but, we do not really have enough evidence to label sides) So, the [DS] is going to try to move Harris, and next Nuissance into the presidency, and then block with lawfare. And the Trump contingent, if they really exist, may decide to set up a new government. (or resurrect the actual United States of America which has been defunct since Lincoln)

It would be nice to have an orderly change over of power, but i do not feel that it is in the cards.

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There are a lot of unexplained movements happening.

I would not be surprised if there is a secret war going on in the govern-cement. It would actually explain a lot of what is going on.

Since i have seen no cohesive identification of what is going on by any conspiracy minded podcasts, then all i can do is point out a lot of things that are strange, and seem to be all tied together.

Maybe all of this will go over as easily as the elections seems to have.

However, i do not believe that, so i recommend everyone have a month worth of food stored. Even just avoiding going to the grocery store, during times of riots, could save your life.

And, of course, as usual, i recommend everyone leave the cities. Especially the big blue cities on the coast. Else, you might wake up and find yourself trapped in a country that you didn't know existed. (as parts of America decide to break off, and form their own nation) And, i mean trapped, as they will probably set up road blocks across the freeways.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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I will vote for you at 100% later.

The reason for the Trump landslide/conservative victory is why they call it Intel.🤪😂