This post will not be so much on the "or starve" part, but on why everyone will grow their own food.
Do you know that there is a conspiracy (many people working together, in secret) to poison the food supply?
Monsanto should have been sued into oblivion. The buildings burnt to the ashes. The ground salted. The board and CEOs fired (with a firing squad) And a memorial erected warning all future perpetrators that this is what waits for you.
They mother WEFers are trying to kill you... well not kill, slowly degrade your health and vitality so you will never fight back.
If someone was capable and had the money, they could analyze every product in a grocery store, the amount of poison would be shocking to people. However, a big part of the problem in such a study is that many poisons are not labelled as poisons. They are labelled as food. Such as: High Fructose Corn Syrup, MSG, Canola Oil, Red Dye #3, Aspartame, Pink Slime...
Other poisons aren't even labelled. Such as: Glyphosate, Growth hormones, fluoride
And now they are trying to add mRNA VAXXX and insects to your diet.
In the near future, it will be:
If you don't grow it, you don't know what is in it!

Everyone will be a part time farmer
The idea of everyone becoming at least a part time farmer is really hard to conceive of in our "modern" society.
Probably harder than dark ages peasants conceiving of having a grocery store where they could buy food.
Some of the reason why you will grow your own food:
- If you don't grow it, who will? Grocery stores will be a thing of the past
- If you don't grow it yourself, you don't know what is in it.
- There is a connection between you growing your food, and your food being nutritious for you.
- It is very important, health-wise, to get your hand in the soil every day.
- Food scams will become serious, like people packaging GMO as organic, or just trading your bag of beans for their bag of rocks.
- It tastes better. All you gardeners out there, back me up on this.
Do not despair, with modern conveniences you will probably spend less than 10 hours a week on growing food (except harvest season)
And when you own your house, and aren't paying Property (extortion) taxes, then your work load is actually quite minimal.

They really are out to kill you
With the number of poisonings, disease outbreaks and such, you would think that some large manufacturers would be working towards minimizing these, or eliminating them. But you never hear of this, except in some independent, organic farmers and ranchers.
You just hear of more and more outbreaks from the factory farms and the big food manufacturers.
Its like they are not even trying...
... actually, it is much better to say that they are trying to poison you. It is closer to the truth.
If you look into the FDA and USDA you find that they are not out to protect the people.
In fact, the USDA was started to get people to believe that the meat company that poisoned them was legit and ok now.
Tyson, instead of being inspected, hires their own inspectors... conflict of interest much?
Some of the worst farming practices are now just SOP with the FDA and USDA's stamp of approval.
(by the way, you aren't allowed to film or photograph these practices)
Each year the whole industry just moves more towards evil and poisoning. Never a step the other way. Thus, one can assume that this is a plan. A plan to destroy the health of the people
So, besides the obvious food shortage/crisis that is being engineered right now, getting away from poisoned foods is a very good reason to start your own garden.