Is MAGA and Woke the Two Sides of American Civil War 2.0?

in hive-110786 •  last year 


The two biggest groups in America right now, is MAGA and Woke.
(this is probably not the actual case, but when we talk about the groups that media is talking about endlessly, these are the two.

MAGA - sorta populist conservatives
Woke - radical left communists

Both of these groups would probably argue with those definitions, even me, they lack nuance, but they are close to correct.

These two groups are set on a course of conflict.
And i wouldn't put it past TPTshouldn'tB to be engineering this conflict.

After all, they are funding Antifa.
They are paying people to start fights at MAGA gatherings.

But, lets say that these two groups came to the conclusion that the only way to continue existing is if the other goes away.


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Will either side back down?

At this point, the two groups are so polarized that i really do not see any way of working things out.
However, this is by design and both sides have been programmed / indoctrinated into believing their way.

The Woke really think they are trying to save humanity. The Woke believe that systemic oppression exists everywhere. Climate change is going to kill us all.

MAGA see the world falling apart. They believe in the golden era of the 50s. And they believe that a great leader is all that it takes to actually fix things.

The problem with this polarization is that it is a core thing. Do you place the most emphasis on thinking, feeling or freedom? These do not change. They are like the way your brain is constructed. Yes, you can learn to balance yourself, but the default pattern is always there.

So, you take the thinkers and you mess with their facts. Like telling them inflation is caused by commodity producers increasing their price. Then, everything they do to fix the problem will be in error.

Also, you take the feelers and you mess with their heads. Like telling them inflation is caused by greedy capitalists. This is a play on their emotions. And telling them the bad guy is a nebulous group of people out to make the world suffer.

Thus we get into a position where each side is wrong, have wrong ideas about what will fix things, but it is all based on a core value. And any attack on their position, is transferred straight to the core.

The path out of this is correcting all the misinformation. But that takes a long time. Maybe generations.

So, these two groups of people have been set against each other, and i doubt either side will back down.

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What are their goals?

The Woke have no goals. No, really. The world as a "happy and peaceful place with no racism or inequality" is not a goal.

There is no steps you can take to get a future that really can't exist. And there is no way to make humans "equal", every one of them has different ideas of what happiness is, different abilities, different desires, different levels of motivation…

So, their current goal boils down to making other people conform to their idea of utopia. And they will do whatever they have to, to try and get closer to that goal.

MAGA would like to make the America that existed only in post cards into a reality. Now, this is actually, sorta achievable, but it will never happen by govern-cement decree.

This group has been programmed to believe that it is the leadership that can make these things come true. So, they must have their leader in charge and hope that he will bring about the requested changes.

Now, MAGA will not force their ideals on others, but they also will never back down from their position. Unfortunately, this also means defending the very thing that stops them from getting what they want.

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The actual battle?

The Woke have most of the ports.
The MAGA have most of the farmland.

Just a "declared war" where it stops trade between the two will make both sides miserable.

MAGA cannot be defeated. Even if the Woke had complete control of the military. There is so much land out there with people here and there. Much of this land is just unassailable. Other parts are so vast that you will spend all your time driving in between houses to stop them bloody farmers.

The Woke could kill themselves off by accident. They rely on a huge, crumbling infrastructure for water and power. Just throwing out all the repair guys, because they are all men, and they are not Woke, could result in catastrophic failures of life support.

But, lets say they avoided doing the stupid stuff, they are sitting on most of the large manufacturing and most of the import/export capability of this country.

Any way you slice it, this war will be stupid, and annoying for both sides. Will it be more than annoying? Meaning that one side or the other realizes that this is a really bad, as in terminal idea? Probably not.

This battle was designed by think tanks, and they probably war-gamed this all out.
TPTshouldn'tB do not want a winner, they want a war that cripples everyone.

However, if MAGA decided that wiping out the Woke power centers was a good goal, then all the major cities are turned to dust (including the manufacturing and harbors). The cities will not have any infrastructure to keep those things going. You need dock workers, and all the people (restaurants, grease, power, spare parts…) that support them. They do not magically reappear.

Unfortunately, the cities are going to destroy themselves from within. So we better prepare for that inevitability anyway.

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The way out is to learn to live and let live.

We will have our groups over here, and they will have their groups over there. And they have to get along well enough to trade amicably.

Fortunately, technology is coming that will make all of this much easier. Like clean, continuous energy anywhere you care to set up a community. Like desalinating water, continuously, on tap, without turning the water to steam. Internet anywhere. Basically, the things you need for a community to work without a centralized infrastructure.

The way out is to build your own place to be the best it can be. Not waiting for the "leader" to tell you we can. Not waiting for their permission.

And probably the most important thing is to realize we have narcissists / sociopaths in the world. And we should never let these people be in charge of anything. Else, they will promise us what we want, and then never let us have it.

This is the same group, the mother WEFers who are trying to destroy our world. They are behind the fomenting of this possible civil war. We need to know it was them who lied to us about everything. Once we ignore them out of our existence, then we can get to actually making a decent world.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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