It Isn't Just Cheap Labor That Makes China #1 In Cheap Goods

in hive-110786 •  2 months ago 


Most people just accept the story that things are made in China because of their cheap labor. But, that isn't the half of it. We could compete with cheap labor, but we can't compete with slave labor, shipping subsidies, bankster sweetheart loans, and the force of Mr. Global pushing this to happen.

And it is not that we are uncompetitive, it is that there is no way to compete when the game is this tilted. And it is really hard to plan for business competition when all of this is not discussed. People in the industry know that something is happening, but no one knows, outside of the CCP and the WEF what it is that is actually happening.

So, to bring back manufacturing to America, we are going to have to discuss this stuff that dives right into conspiracy theory land.

Down the rabbit hole…

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Shipping Shenanigans

One thing you will notice when you are on Amazonium or ETSY, is that, China can ship the item cheaper than you can.

Often, the price of the item, from China, is less than your cost to ship it to somewhere in The US.

How can this be? Something shipped from China, and it gets here in less than a week, therefor it had to get on an airplane, and then be flown over here, get through customs, and then be handed to carrier in The US, and all that costs less than me going to UPS, USPS or FEDex to ship a similar item.

They way this can happen is that someone is paying the difference to allow Chinese goods to be shipped for less. But, who is paying? The CCP/China? The WEF? Carriers just know to charge less to Chinese sellers, or else?

It probably happens via bonds, sold to China to balance the trade deficit, and those are changed for subsidizing Chinese good shippers. Much like the agreements with Saudi Arabia with oil sold for dollars which are used to be The US bonds…

One thing is for certain, that it is impossible to compete with China on goods where it costs less to buy from China, than it costs to ship from America.

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Manufacturing would have never left

It costs a lot of money to build manufacturing plants. And even more money to start training a population to be good factory workers.

Where did this money come from?

It came from banksters who offered sweetheart loans to manufacturers to move their manufacturing to China.

These same said banksters, who knew that the factory was going to shut down, pushed for factory workers to buy a home with a mortgage, knowing that they would soon be out of a job. Yes, they are quite evil, these banksters.

Without this money being poured in, it would have been too expensive to build up China so that manufacturing could be moved to China.

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It is not really about cost of labor

Americans are not that expensive for skilled labor. Toyota built a truck building plant in America, because American labor was cheaper.

And China is no longer the cheap labor market. They are actually getting quite expensive in the world market.

The thing that makes America so expensive is mortgages. With extra income, you can spend more on a house. And so, the price of houses goes up and up. What else are you going to spend all that income you make on?

Basically, we have priced ourselves out of the market and all that extra money just gets paid to the banksters.

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We live in a world where things are not what they seem.

Where the rots-childs of the world use our blood, sweat and tears to manipulate the world (through fractional reserve lending and usury). They take our wealth, and use it in their evil schemes.

Right now, it is to destroy America. America's usefulness is over, and the elite want to move the power center. It looks like they wanted to move it to China, but China double crossed them. The CCP has its eyes on America's farmland, and would like to take it, intact. It is their plan that they are enacting now.

The rots-childs are in a precarious position. They have already destroyed America, but have not built their new base of operations, nor have they gotten rid of Russia or Persia, their sworn enemies. So, the elite will try for all out, world war. And that will bring an end to the manipulation of the markets that has kept China in the position as the world's supplier of cheap shit.

Expect to pay more soon, a lot more for your average cheap goods. However, manufacturing will return to America. But, it will be distributed manufacturing. The big factories are over.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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