All of this suburban housing. More and more built. The single family house, packed tightly together. An experiment started with the boomers. This experiment has run its course, and now, the grandchildren are paying the price. And the great grandchildren will have nothing.
The Social inSecurity and the retirement accounts that were all designed and sold to the boomers are going to come crashing down. Again, the grandchildren are paying for it, and the great grandchildren will have nothing.
The free-sex movement, the summer of love that started with the boomers has metastasised into a world where the good looking guys are getting tons of free sex. And the great grandchildren are getting nothing. In fact, MANY young women are having trouble conceiving or are just sterile.
The city/suburbs that are based on cars. Spread out enough that you need a car to get anywhere, and pack to close to find any solitude, or actually grow enough food to feed one's self. This all started with the boomers, and has no run its course. Many govern-cements are looking to bad ICE engines, leaving only a few people who could afford electric cars as the only people on the roads.
The typical boomer says to the great grandchildren, "When I was your age, i bought a house. I had a job and a paper route, and i saved my money and put a down payment on a small house" (That was a 20% down payment) And the boomer doesn't realize that housing is not affordable, at all, with jobs that young people can get. Even if a young person could get full time work, at minimum wage of $20/hour. It would take them over 20 years to pay for the average house. (100% of income going to house, not food, not clothing, not taxes…) And, just a few more years, a few more boomers moving out or moving on, and house prices will fall to zero. The great grandchildren are suffering needlessly. And it all started with the boomers, and is ending with the boomers.
It isn't really the boomers fault, but it is
What the boomers did was eschew morals in favor of hedonism. It started with the Summer of Love, and continued on through their lives. Where the mothers decided they wanted to work (Feminist ideals) and this increased the work force, decreased the pay, and left the children at home without a parent. The experiences to the boomers were more important than their own families.
With the rapid increase in money supply that breaking free of the gold standard provided, the boomers could buy multiple houses and multiple cars. They got away from their parents, to live on their own. The family structure where there were grandparents in the home to help raise children, was destroyed. The nuclear family was born. And BOOM, all the children paid for it.
So, today we have extremely promiscuous teen girls, and we have a lot of young boys/men who have no prospect of finding a wife. (each smaller generation has made for an ever shrinking pool of women, which get sucked up by the older generation, and leave nothing for the current generation. Further, most women are not wife material. Women who will leave their child in the trunk of their car so they can go be with the bad boys at the clubs)
These are the consequences of what was started by "free love" and free money (money printer go brrrr)
Where Society Is At?
We are at the edge of global economic destruction. The Great Reset as the banksters call it.
All of this is not the boomers' fault. They were born into it, and just accepted the changes. But, we must look at the past and how this happened, and what is really happening, and we must deal with it.
The banksters have sucked most of the production out of society. Our infrastructure is crumbling. We cannot continue on the way we were.
Like the house price fiasco. This is not sustainable. Where the average kid, working the average job, cannot contemplate buying a house. This cannot continue, and will not continue.
Fertility is dropping. We are having less children (because of economic burdens) and we also cannot have more children because many women are now infertile. The population is going to keep going down.
The infrastructure is crumbling. The huge transformers that were built in place to power large cities, they are old, they are fragile. If anything happens to one, the people who knew how to build them are all gone. There is no replacement. It will take a minimum of five years to replace one, if we are lucky. Five years without electricity. This is what we are facing.
However, what will we care about roads when we all have flying cars? And this will be what is most likely to happen. If boomers live long enough, they will witness everything they did turn to dust. Humanity will start making things smaller, simpler, based around a small community. The huge, complex electrical grid, (for instance) will be left to rot. The suburbs, which are horrible for raising children, will be left to rot.
This is the best path for humanity, however there will be those who will do everything to keep things the way they are. (like boomers always voting to keep Social inSecurity the way it is, although it is going bankrupt) If we can build local infrastructure, then it can be replicated the world over. Third world countries will no longer be left out.
Moving forward
There are so many people trying to hold onto the past, and they will be the biggest burden when trying to move into the new era of a much more prosperous humanity.
Bitcoin (crypto) is a huge salvation for humanity. But there are two forces that will give their lives to block it. The banksters and gold bugs. The banksters want to shape open block-chains into CBDCs, putting them in charge of every transaction. But, even worse than them is the boomers, who are stuck in a world where paper dollars are money. That gold is money. The "bitcoin isn't real" crowd. The problem comes in that the boomers have most of the wealth. Almost all the stocks and bonds are owned by them. Each generation after the boomers has less and less a percentage of the stock market.
So, we have all this money that will resist moving into the future. So much so that we may see a complete separate between the new and the old systems. No on-ramps, no off ramps. Three forces competing for the future of money.
Unfortunately, the boomers who do not move into the new system will lose everything. Bitcoin is more powerful than the banksters. We have a bright future with open, decentralized block chains. The banksters' closed systems will be shown to be hazardous, only to be tolerated because there is no alternative. But, now there is.
The sad part will be, because of banksters vs bitcoin, all the boomers who do not move to the new system will find themselves holding lots of worthless paper. Bonds, stocks, US$ will pretty much be seen as worthless. Kinda like trying to sell cassette tapes in a world of mp3s.
So, it all started with the boomers, and it will end with them.
I do not know which generation will be seen as the start of the new era. Probably the generation being born today.