The universities have been the gate holders for getting accredited. If you do not jump through their hoops, you are an intellectual-nobody. Only those who can pass their tests can considered a knowledgeable person.
You could be the top person in the world, with the most experience in the field, but a PhD with no real world experience is considered to be much more knowledgeable and important.
People look up to people with letters behind their names. They have been indoctrinated into this social norm for all of their life. It used to be more about what you could actually do. Your actual merit was what determined your worth. But today, we rarely know these people, especially the ones paraded out on TV. So, we can only rely on certification by others. Or, we rely on college degrees to work out how smart/skilled someone is.
However, now, this system of gate-keeping is falling apart. It is being destroyed from multiple angles. Not only should these ivory towers never held the whole of accreditation, but it should have never kept out / buried the advancement of intellectual thoughts. Now, it is too late for these structures. They are doomed.
And, may in fact taint all previous accreditations.

Denial of alternative theories
Because there were no alternative voices, the ivory towers held the knowledge stagnant for decades. Only when the internet came out did we start sharing alternative theories and word got around these gatekeepers. Sure, it happened a little before then, but it was only by luck, and only by one person in the field, but outside academia, meeting another such person.
So, things such as Einstein becoming famous for his "Theory of Relativity". Did you know that more than 100 physicists in Germany got together and wrote a book shooting holes in that theory? No? You didn't know? That is because academia buried it. Worse, they upheld the Theory of Relativity with some very trivial examples.
(BTW: The speed of light is not constant. It varies over the day and over years. So, the Theory of Relativity is completely debunked. And, everyone reading this should agree. But they, if they have not broken free of the indoctrination of the High Holy Priests of the Ivory Towers, will tell me that i do not know what i am talking about. Or that this information is false. Or that has already been taken care of by a group of scientists getting together and SETTING the speed of light, so it stays constant. That theory has so many holes in it, it shouldn't even be taught. But, it is held up as the most important theory of our time)
However, now that we can gather online and talk, many, much better theories are coming out, and scientists are making great strides in fields that have been stagnant for decades. Things like the Electric Universe model, and many aether theories coming up again after being suppressed for over a century. But, the ivory towers will deny this until their dying breaths.

peer review
You would think that getting a fellow scientist to look over your research would be the height of reliability, but it fails soooo bad, that we may never use it again. Just the name "peer review" will carry so much bad memories, that it will never be spoken of again.
Even if everything works properly. You get other scientists in your field to review your findings and check all of your math, it doesn't mean much. They are all scientists who went to the same school, had the same indoctrination, believe the same things. It would be like only allowing color-blind people to discuss color. Sure, they all see the same, and so all agree. But we can all agree that they can't really see color.
So, peer review is more of a circle jerk, than anything one should put weight upon. Further, scientific journals are easily swayed by money. Getting published means you agree with all the other ivory tower worshippers, and that you are saying the things that the money behind the science want you to be saying.
Peer review is the ultimate echo chamber.

Destroying brains
The way the ivory tower has chosen to teach people breaks brains. It is no mistake that most of the real inventive/successful people have all dropped out of college (or never went)
If you go to a classroom where you are never allowed to question the knowledge being taught, and almost never allowed to question the teacher, then all you can do is learn to regurgitate what was taught. And, further, you must kill that part of you that thinks outside of the box. And you must really limit that part of you that wants to think and explore. So, a university student becomes a mindless drone. An indoctrinated "Smart" person. A person full of "knowledge" but has little ability to think.
In school, we take bright eyed children who want to learn about everything, and destroy their little brains. We destroy their sense of wonder. We make them suffer in classrooms much longer than their little bodies should ever be stressed.
In the future, we will look back on govern-cement schools as one of the most evil things we ever did. It will be like slavery and nazis combined. We will be so ashamed of what we did to children and teens.

And, before you think that some college is good, i will tell you that we will be throwing away ALL the current college text books.
Science is wrong
History is wrong
Archaeology is wrong
Math is wrong
Nutrition is wrong
Medicine is wrong
even English is wrong!
It is going to take us a while to piece together what is true. There will be a great number of historians working out what history actually was. Tartarians are a great empire, that spanned a lot of the earth. Built the Great Wall of "China" to keep the chinese barbarians out. (You can tell by which side the openings and stairs are on.) The Gregorian calendar is owned by the Vatican. And, our lives are set by this thing that is extremely wrong, on every level. Not only should their be 13 months, aligned with the moon, we are probably closer to the year 1000 AD then we are to 2000 AD. And that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to History.
Every other field has a lot of explaining to do. And will have people working on getting to the bottom of things, and ferreting out the truth.
The Clergy of the Ivory Towers have a lot to answer for. But, we will probably just ignore them out of existence. Anyone with a PhD will have to prove that they have thrown off the indoctrination. More BullShit, Piled Higher and Deeper will not be allowed anymore.