Li-Ion EVs are NOT the Future, Unless Your Future Is Mostly Fiery

in hive-110786 •  10 months ago 


The rate that media and politicians are pushing self driving EVs, you would think that everything has been all worked out, that these cars are safe, simple and better for the environment.

…but none of that is correct.

In fact, it is almost the opposite, and if you know the truth, you will start to question… you will be questioning the motives of all who have a Li-Ion powered EV.

Li-Ion powered EVs are:

  • Very bad for the environment. More toxic pollution than normal ICE.
  • Very bad for humans. People who ride in EVs have lower fertility. (radiation)
  • Spontaneous combustion. You have seconds to get out of the car when you see smoke.
  • Have a very short lifespan. Li-Ion batteries rarely make it to 10 years.
  • You have to plan your life around car charging.

Self driving programs are currently in the dark ages, but they are being sold as perfectly safe. "Better than humans". However they are not. They shouldn't be allowed onto the roads. The programs ignore bikes. Because they freak out when they try to plot a bike's path. So, many current self driving programs ignore bikes. Just ignores them. Pretends they are not there.

Remember the time when a self driving car just ran over this girl walking her bicycle across the street? That was because the program recognized a bicycle, and then ignored it. So, the program didn't even apply the brakes. How do we allow this on the roads right now?

Li-Ion powered, self driving EVs should not be available for sale. They are that bad and dangerous.

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Fiery vehicles

What has been kept out of the news, but is becoming so prevalent that its slipping past the filters is Li-Ion batteries going up in flames.

Especially the cheap Chinese knock-offs. Teslas has temperature sensors on each battery in the bank, that will cut it off it starts going to high in temperature. But, it is not 100%. Once a Li-Ion battery starts its thermal breakdown, it continues till their is no more fuel.

And this thermal runaway is so hot it will burn concrete. It also has its own inborn fuel and oxidant, so denying the fire air does not stop it.

Li-Ion is only good for small batteries. And that is why a Tesla battery is a huge gang of hundreds of little batteries. However, China is trying to cheap out by making larger batteries and ganging them without sensors on each battery. Which means a lot of cars and buses are bursting into flames in China. And that stuff is finding its way into exports.

Manufacturing Li-Ion batteries is extremely bad for the environment. The mining is toxic, the manufacturing is toxic. If it wasn't made in China (where there is no pollution rules) it wouldn't be made at all. It is so dangerous that it really should be stopped now.

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Why the push?

All of the politicians are pushing for the "green" energy of EVs. I mean PUSHING. Like, they are outlawing gasoline powered cars in California by 2030. Long before Tesla could make a car for each person in California.

Since the information is already out there that an EV doesn't save much on energy during its life, and it makes a lot more pollution before it ever shows up at the showroom, then why does every media outlet call them "green"?

Even if we magically had PV panels everywhere (magically, because they are not really net positive, its like taking a barrel of oil to make a barrel of oil-enegy) and so we had pollution free energy charging of all the EVs, we still would be producing more pollution than are old standby of gasoline and ICE engines.

In my opinion, the politicians are pushing for EVs because they are so easy to control. If you failed to be a good citizen, they just turn off your charger. If you have an outstanding warrant/payment to to the govern-cement, your car drives you to the police station.

An EV is the ultimate in control for bad state actors.

Or, maybe they know that not enough cars can be made by 2030, and so, plan to only let rich people drive. All others take mass transit, or move to 15 minute cities open air prisons.

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EVs are the future

However, electric vehicles are the future. It is just hard to explain from our perspective, because all the pieces are firmly in the "Science fiction" category.

  • Magnet motors are coming. These will provide electricity, with super caps used for evening out the electric draw.
  • Hovering cars / floating platforms are coming. Yes, it just sits their, in the air, like a brick doesn't.
  • Oil is a rare (but continuously created) resource, and is better used for making plastics.
  • It is stupid to burn radioactive materials to boil water, when you can just use it to spin wheels.

Anyway, soon we will have EVs that are built by people in garages with components made by other people in garages. They will not need charging. And they will be quite easy to fix. And simple. Collectively, humanity will say Oof Da, why didn't we think of that.

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So, pay close attention to what these politicians are doing and what the MSmockingbirdM is trying to program into your brains.

Things are not what they appear.
Like, why haven't we started using LiFePo4 batteries, if we are going to insist on battery powered EVs?

How is Tesla still in business when they have basically made their cars unrepairable, except by them?

We do not have the power to charge cars and run our ACs on hot days. Where does the extra electricity coming from?

Could politicians be so shtupid that they have forgotten new electric plants in their thoughts of going "green"? I don't thinks so. Maybe they are. But the people that are manipulating things (Agend 2030 anyone?) are aware of it, and it is most likely part of their plans. The part where there is the rich, and those who take the bus.

The future we are being sold is actually a dystopian nightmare!

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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Hey the hovering cars are already here. A called you should check it out it's awesome and electric so it won't be long and flaming unstoppable meteorites will be falling out of the sky at a million a pop. But it is totally cool. It's more like a high altitude hovercraft. They will start selling by the end of this year or beginning 2025. American made. Awesome dude

Yes, i know about these, but i am talking about gravity defying platforms. It just stays there, not falling, like a brick doesn't.

The giant drone like crafts are interesting and dangerous looking.