Modern Materialistic Science vs Animism Science

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 


Modern (materialistic) science books are really messed up.
This is due to several of their premises being not true.

To these atheistic (by definition) scientists the universe is a lifeless pile of tiny particles winding down into entropic oblivion.

However, there is another scientific view, animism.
Where everything in the universe is alive, that everything possesses an anima, the breath of life.

The debate between these two camps is VERY UNSCIENTIFIC.
But, really, how can it not be. Both sides are asking the other to give up their religious belief.

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All you can see, is everything that is.

It has been put into normal discourse. People do not believe in ghosts, because they believe in science. People do not believe in spiritual experiences, because they believe in science.

If it can't be seen, touched, measured, then it doesn't exist.

However, these same people often talk about love...

The line has been set, there is physics on one side, and metaphysics on the other.
And the two should not meet.

However, it appears that reality is a mixture of the two, a blending, a spectrum.

To not believe this, you have to forsake so many people's experiences. Such as a brush with the paranormal, or a deep religious experience. Or have a near death experience or an out of body experience. Collectively this body of data is HUGE. For instance, a nurse started collecting NDE stories. She has already written books telling these stories. So many of which are very similar. So, either a huge amount of people are insane, or they all experienced something, another world, that doesn't go away. i.e. Not a singular hallucination.

Modern Materialistic Physics pushes out any ideas of the spiritual.
"If you can't see or touch it, it doesn't exist."
However, they are currently looking for dark matter.
And it was not long ago that germs could not be seen.

It will not be long till we start making contraptions that allow us to see much more, like the aura of the body, and life.

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The Mind Effects Reality

One of the biggest contentions between Materialism and Animism is how reality exists.

To a Materialist, the world is "out there". It is observable and predictable. Knowing enough about the motions of particles, all can be computed and predicted.

To the Animist every observation is a inseparable creation between the observer and the observed.

This is where the infamous Double Slit Experiment comes in:
Shoot an electron through a single slit, and it acts like a particle, making a single bar behind the slit.
Shoot an electron through a double slit, and it acts like a wave, interfering with itself as a wave would and forming an interference pattern.
UNLESSS you try to observer which slit the electron passes through. then it acts like a particle.

It has been shown that observing the experiment cause the experiment to change.

And it is not just tiny, tiny things, it shows up in all kinds of places. Where, what the observer desired as an outcome affected the outcome. Where the observer just being present caused certain things to not happen.

There have been all kinds of experiments to show that these things were really happening.
And although it is a huge body of work, Materialists deny it exists.

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The body is made up of seven layers

Modern Allopathic (Rock-e-fellow, snake oil salesman, medicine) denies 5/7ths of the body as not existing. They only accept the physical body, and recently, begrudgingly accept that emotions have an effect on the health of a person.

The seven layers correspond to the seven chakras and there are people that can see them.
There is digital photographic techniques that are starting to show us what is invisible to most.

And from what people have seen, disease starts on a less physical (more ethereal) layer, and then expresses itself through more and more physical layers until it shows up in the body.

So, if you are only looking at the physical body, and performing surgery or prescribing pills, then you are putting the cart before the horse. These doctors are treating the symptom, and sometimes the symptom of a symptom. No wonder we have so many people that went to see their doctor and got no help for their ailment.

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Intelligent Design

Evolution insists that all the various species of animal on this planet all happened because of genetic mutation over a very long time. Unfortunately this has many problems.

  1. There isn't enough time, from the birth of this planet, for random genetic mutation to create a human
  2. There are systems in the body are just too complex to be created by hapinstance.

So, another group of scientists are discussing "Intelligent Design" as an alternative theory.

The evolutionists are doing everything they can to bar Intelligent Design from schools... because that makes it too close for comfort to talk about God creating the heavens and the earth. It is a very fierce battle.

What is going to really amaze biologists is the appearance of new species.
We have mostly only seen species die off, and so, have assumed that "only the strong survive".

So, it will be interesting to watch how evolutionists handle the appearance of new species.

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Overall, our Modern Materialistic Science books are really holding us back.
There are so many great ideas and theories out there that are squashed into oblivion.

The ivory towers try to maintain their dominance by shouting "not peer-reviewed" and "pseudo-science".

However, the truth is the truth, and science is supposed to be the discovery of the truth.
Hopefully truth prevails.

A great video about this and other science things:

Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK (science turn free)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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