Narcissists Are Out To Destroy Our World

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 

Bushy & Hitlery are psychopaths.  Bateman in Psycho is not

What is a narcissist?

The word gets thrown around the internetz. Everyone who used to be called an ass, is now a narcissist. However, although the internetz promotes narcissistic behaviours they are in no way a narcissist.

The latest DSM has removed psychopath and sociopath and lumped them all together into the word narcissist
... which is quickly losing its meaning.

Which means that the very thing the world needs to become VERY aware of, is being hidden in obscurity.

The reason we can't elect people to fix problems? narcissists
The reason the monetary system destroys lives? narcissists
The reason the law is against all low class citizens? narcissists
The reason bureaucratic red tape exists? narcissists

So much destruction in our world can be laid at the feet of narcissists.
So much so, that many other planets do not allow narcissists to exist. When found they are either killed or have their mind wiped/reset.

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What is a narcissist?

So, what are these most dangerous of dangerous creatures?
Well, in a word, they are not able to feel warm empathy for other beings.

A narcissist looks at you (their "friend") the same way you look at a television set.
Getting rid of you is as much emotional remorse as you throwing away a broken TV.

Meaning, if murder was without complications, they would do it as a means of getting rid of troublesome people.
Really, they would lose no sleep over them taking your life.

So why don't more narcissist go on murder sprees?
Because they do not care about you. And it is a lot of work. And there may be many complications.

Without that empathy for other people, they are able to do whatever is needed to climb the corporate or govern-cement ladder. And so, you find them at the top of most pyramid stuctures (in fact, we have pyramid structures because of narcissists)

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What is a narcissist... really?

A narcissist is made as a young child or born without the wiring to empathize.
If you apply too much trauma to a young child it will fracture their personality.
Then a false self is created over the trauma, and the young child's real personality never grows.

A narcissist is basically a five year old (me, mine) in an adult body, with adult intellect that doesn't have a conscience.
They must defend their false self at ALL cost. The false self has to stay perfect, be perfect. Reality be damned.

The narcissist is a miserable existence deserving of pity. An existence formed from too much trauma.

Unfortunately we currently have no way of healing the trauma damage once they have gone narcissist. There just anything there to rebuild from. The real self has usually atrophied and died. And there is no way to get through the false self to let the real self start building. The false self will stop any attempt at that happening.

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How bad can it be?

The narcissists / psychopaths / sociopath's existence is a threat to normal people's existence.

They do not care for you. They do not care for your continued existence.
They do not care if their actions blow up the world. But if they do, they will want you to know that they did it, so they can see the look in your eyes.

These narcissists want power and narcissistic supply.
Love, happy good emotions? Those are for manipulating the gullible public.

These narcissists do not speak the truth. Some cannot tell the truth, as in, they do not have that ability / they have to tell a lie. When a narcissist is caught out, they will lie to your face.

Narcissists big joy is to pull a fast one on the people around them. If you can be fooled, you deserve it, (is what they think) and if you watch closely, you will see a little smile flash across their face as they fool you. Deceivers Delight.

The Narcissists will set up every structure to suit them. Pyramids are their favorite. One person at the top.
Even if it is not them that is at the top, well someday they may be.

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What to do about narcissists

Well, we really do not have to do anything with them.
All we need to do is keep narcissists out of places of power.

We do that by having elections where parts of it are proving you have compassion for other people.
Not charity or something that can be done by hiring someone with empathy, but an actual debate like structure where you have to wing it.

Such as. The candidates sit in two school desks facing each other. Each candidate has to write ten reasons why their opponent will be good at the job their being elected for.

We need to get good at spotting narcissists.
Because, by their fruits you will know them. And their fruits are destruction.

Just like the FED is now raising interest rates, openly stating that they are trying to get people fired/laid off.
To destroy the economy to save their phoney system for a little longer. This is the work of narcissists

The System wants you sick, compliant and dying - Jack Spriko

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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