Narcissists (psychopaths and sociopaths) Destroy Your Self-Esteem

in hive-110786 •  9 months ago 


A narcissist is cluster-B personality disorder. (by the DSM) Psychopath and sociopath have been placed under Narcissist. (i hate the DSM for doing this)

The defining feature of a narcissist is their inability to have warm-empathy. They can pretend they have empathy, but it is a cold-empathy. They really do not see other people as human. The other people's emotions are not of any importance to them, except in how these emotions may turn into causes of things that will effect them.

Seriously, a psychopath "loves" you, like you love your Compy. When the relationship is working in their favor, they "love" you. But, if you are a problem, a threat, or just not useful, you will be discarded. They way you would throw away an old compy with the mother board fried.

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Narcissists destroy your sense of self.

From a large view, this is what advertising does. It breaks you. It makes you feel less than. (If only you smoked Camels, then the girls would like you) (If only you had this new appliance, then you could be the talk of the neighborhood) When none of these are true. But, your brain has been programmed by seeing those people on the commercial smiling, making you think this thing will bring happiness. In other words your sense of self has been compromised.

If you are unlucky to have had a cluster-B parent, you probably have no self-esteem. Your self has been compromised so much that you probably have the thing that holds self-esteem broken. You have a very weak sense of self.

Many children of narcissists have a feeling that it would just be ok to be dead. No, really. Not suicidal, but their importance of themselves is very, very low. They can easily be walked on. They have no boundaries. (the narcissist destroyed those boundaries)

Not only are these children denied love (narcissists cannot give love, only an imitation) but even worse, they are denied self love. They often do not even know what this thing is. (and the movies/TV show infatuation as love, so, they are even more lost)

If you find yourself in this position, what you need is someone who specializes in narcissistic abuse recovery. (plain talk therapy does not help) You need someone who can help you rebuild yourself. You also need a coach that will tell you what is right and wrong. (because the narcissists will have you believing that their abuse is love) (i say coach, and not psychotherapist because, often, the field of psychotherapy denies the practitioner from talking about ethics/morals)

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With your sense of self lost, you are easy to manipulate

So, we have a world run by psychopaths. They own all the media. They own all the advertisers. (so that TV program being paid for by advertisements is a sham. They are just passing money back and forth between themselves)

All of the advertisements are made to break your sense of self. To lower your self-esteem. To make you unhappy and dissatisfied with your life. And we just look at this abuse as normal.

And then, we find people throwing themselves in front of traffic, gluing themselves to the road, "because we have to stop the use of oil or we are all going to die!" This was all programming. And a complete lie. And if we stopped using oil, either we all die, or we start burning coal and wood (and whale oil), which is far worse.

Do you see how this comes about by the breaking of one's sense of self? These people do not even have any thoughts left in their heads. They are programmed robots. Their sense of having a self, of having their own opinions is completely gone. They are now in survival mode. Must go with the crowd. Must stay with the heard.

This is the outcome from at least two generations of letting people destroy our sense of self.

It is not a small thing. It was a long term plan, engaged with a huge amount of money to carefully construct the best way to break your mind.

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Most people's minds are so broken, that they cannot see the evil that is happening

Just recently we see videos of Joos with tunnels dug under their synagogue where there were children obviously kept. And many people are just ignoring the ramifications. That this is only a one-off. Even when we are seeing signs and videos of this happening all over the place.

We saw the VAXXX rolled out with calls for everyone not taking it to be disbarred from civilization, almost just after a campaign about "my body, my choice". And so many people just agreed with this. They believed, deep down, that people should have stuff forcibly injected into them. Although this made no sense from any previous ideas of immunology.

We have people believing dumbocrap or repulsivekin to their core. That the other people are not only wrong, but a threat to their lives. That having a different opinion should amount to a death sentence. (See how these people have no sense of self, and so cannot see others as having a self?)

All of this is true evil.
Advertising companies should be on trial for wide scale destruction of humanity.

This is what happens when people have let psychopaths run wild and destroy their sense of self.
"We are tolerant of them, and so, they used this to push evil onto us."

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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