The DSM-5 lumps Psychopaths and Sociopaths in with Narcissists.
Which isn't technically wrong, but it is similar to lumping murders and rapists in with hoodlums.
The defining characteristic of a Narcissist is that they do not have any warm empathy.
Getting rid of (in a paddle boarding accident kind of way) a someone who is considered a nuisance is as mentally easy for a Narcissist as you and i getting rid of a broken television.
A narcissist doesn't see the world like you and i do. And they know it. To them, it is a super-power. They can lie whenever they want to. They watch other people struggle with lies. The narcissist find manipulation and playing people off each other as child's play. And they have no remorse about it.
We, the normal people of the world, NEED TO learn about psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists.
We must recognize them and keep them out of places of power.
There is a big problem with the word "Narcissist". People are throwing it around on the internet describing anyone that is acting narcissistically. If they are overly self-centered... they are called a narcissist. Even if all he did was want a coffee date instead of taking her out for surf and turf at an expensive restaurant. A person acting narcissistically is not absolutely a narcissist, and with our social media pushing everyone to be more narcissistic, everyone is calling everyone else a narcissist.
In this blog, i only use narcissist to mean someone who lacks warm empathy.

Narcissists are not like us
If you think of narcissists as robots with no human emotion, you would be closer to understanding narcissists than most people. However, narcissists have emotions, just no empathy. Their emotions, their desires are all that exists within them. You are a tool, a television, a computer for their use and entertainment.
The most accurate thing to describe narcissists is that they are five year olds in adult bodies. They are stuck in that mental growth where everything is me / mine. Destroying your life is not even something they consider as something to be ashamed about. They will destroy your life as a 5yo will destroy a toy car by stomping through their cluttered room.
Narcissist see other people as stupid and naive. All these people concerned about hurting other people's feelings. How lame, when you can use these suckers to get what you want, even if that is only entertainment. Just to see if you can do it. Just to see if you can get them to do something self destructive.

Narcissists want power
A narcissist's life is all about power. Their biggest fear is being out of control. So they want control, they want power. And there is never an amount that is enough.
A normal person gets enough money, enough power, and then they turn to other desires. Very few just get stuck on more, more, more. A narcissist doesn't have this.
Even a child will get to a point of having to much chocolate cake.
We see this in the narcissists that make up congress. They do not retire in old age, they hold onto their position until father time pries it out of their hands. They are constantly making more deals, more laws to give them/govern-cement more power. And they do not care about the constitution, all they care about is if the population will take it without getting out the pitchforks and torches.
These congress critters love to slip one past the voters. We will call it the "affordable care act" knowing full well, that it would make everything more expensive and reduce care. But, this act gave them the power to decide who lives and who dies. And then, during the plandemic, they used these laws to actually kill off people.

Narcissists in charge leads to destruction
Congress critters, almost entirely narcissists, want power. Therefor, every bill they talk about and pass is about power.
It is only by luck that they may past something that is good for the people.
Even when they seem to take a step back from overwhelming outcry from the people, they are just regrouping and finding a better way to sell it.
There is no empathy here. There is no line they will not cross.
Blow up a building with their own citizens in it? Easily.
Leave people to die from a known invasion... they caused it to happen.
Make sure their troop dies behind enemy lines, just for a medal? Of course.
There is no humanity in these people.
Thus, having them as leaders will only move things towards more evil.
We must change election campaigning. We must weed out narcissists early.
At the national debate, the first stage will be to have the candidates sit down, face to face, in something like the chair/desks we used in school. And they are to write a list of ten reasons why their opponent would be good for the job. A narcissist does not consider other humans as people. Thus, you are asking them to pretend to be caring, and their answers will show this. There will be just something not right with their answers.
And we must not let this slide. Now that we know about narcissist/sociopaths/psychopaths we must never let them into any position of power.

President George W. Bush was not a psychopath. Vladimir Putin and Kim il Sung Jr. Jr. Are psychopaths
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