Once You See, You Can't Unsee... And Now You See Conspiracies Everywhere

in hive-110786 •  last year  (edited)

Conspiracy Theories Theory

Long ago, i used to be a conspiracy theorist.
Oh, those were happy days.
Investigating weird coincidences.

Once is happenstance
Twice is coincidence
Three times is enemy action

  • JFK Assassination
  • Moon Landing
  • Twin Towers

All events with lots of things that aren't explained by the narrative told to us.
However, the normies accepted the MSM narrative without ever looking into it.

In fact, the normies defend the narrative, without question, and will get angry at people who point out any falsehood.

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But then you get too deep down the rabbit hole.
And you see conspiracies everywhere.

Or maybe that is because the same, the pieces just don't fit puzzle, is presented dozens of times a year now.

All of the school televised shootings just don't add up

Always something weird. Even with this last one with changing the shoes of the 'shooter'.
Always blamed on guns. And gun legislations is ready moments after the shooting.
So many holes in the narrative, and after looking a little deepers, you expect every school shooting on TV is created.

All of the false flags to get us into EVERY war.

Every war that america has gotten into after its inception has a false flag.
Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, Sinking of the Maine, ISIS,...
After looking into these, you just expect any enemy action said on the TV is a false flag.

All of the mass shootings... that were done by a 'lone' gunman.

From JFK where one bullet hit multiple places, and all the witnesses died
to Las Vagas shooting where one gun man shot multiple machine guns into a crowd, and all the witnesses died.
You here one thing from the MSM news, and quite a different thing from anyone who knows military weapons telling you exactly what weapons were being fired and when, identified just from the sound.

All of the terrorist attacks where the same people got injured.

From the Boston bomber to the Garlic Shooter, incidents where you see the same people hurt, and the same people being interviewed by the MSM.
You realize something is up, but not sure what. The story is suspicious, and the 'actors' make it even more sus.

image showing Garlic Shooter and El Paso Shooter looking extremely similar

If you really look into these things you find an awful lot more of such incidents are never reported by the MSM. Soooo, they aren't all a hoax, or a fabrication, or you find the Federal End-table of Intimidation behind it. However, you start doubting anything the MSM says.

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What is worse, for your "sanity" is when people, like Ole Demmegard go to the actual site and look for the evidence, interview people, and come up with stories that are FAR more plausible then what the MSmockingbirdM is putting out.

So, what do you say when you find indisputable truth:

  • Building 7 fell without a plan hitting it, in a free fall pattern
  • The film of JFK assassination was modified
  • The rocks on the moon moved, its the same set over an over, and you can see the wires...
  • The Vegas Shooting had at least two machine guns firing at the same time.
  • The astronauts on Challenger Shuttle all had twins that are still alive and get together.
  • The buildings that BLM burned down were mostly in zones marked for reconstruction by those cities.
  • Those fires in California melted car rims, burnt buildings to the ground, but left trees seemingly untouched.

And now you have one piece of truth that sticks out like a sore thumb, and now the MSM story makes no sense, but you have no clear story to replace it.

Just a bunch of theories. Conspiracy theories.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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