Our Relationship To Housing Needs To Change, Will Change

in hive-110786 •  last year 


Robert Kiyosaki - "Your house is not an asset"

Your house only appears to be an asset while we have fractional reserve, debt based currency.

Only with inflation (your house price going up is solely inflation + investor greed) does home prices keep going up. There is no reason a house should sell for more twenty years from now than it does today. They house has gotten worse. It is rotting, falling apart, slowly decaying. It probably needs maintenance. It needs a new roof. The house is not worth more in the future.

Land, in a particular area, might increase in value because more people want to live there, but when it is one suburb vs another suburb, the land price should vary little.

Most importantly, a house should not cost ½ of a family's income over 30 years as they do in many cities.

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Housing prices have gone up due to manipulation

  • Lowering the interest rates and extending the term means a buyer can pay more for a house with the same monthly payment. And this is exactly what the banksters have done.

  • Convincing cities and counties to adopt minimum housing requirements. And yes, there were people who were paid to go out and sell this to city building departments. This is the way the UBC (Uniform Building Code) got into place. It was sold to the people as a way to make sure your house value high. Little did they mention that they would price their children out of the market.

  • Regulations and building departments slowed down new construction. So there was never enough houses for all the people who needed houses. Artificially keeping supply low.

  • Property taxes goes up when the home valuations go up. The evil people behind the Constitution for the United States of America, went around to all the states and talked them into starting a property tax. (a tax on your desire to sleep under a roof) And they did this before the american revolution was over. So, some soldiers came home to find their house being taken for back taxes.

Housing prices have gone up and up and up, more from manipulation than from the house actually being more valuable.

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Demographics beats manipulation

Our crony-capitalist society is based upon growth. It breaks down spectacularly when population goes into decline.

We have Black-cube buying up tons of property. They said it was for investment, they even sold it packed as a REIT. But it was to soak up all the excess housing to keep the market going up.

But now, house prices are going to go down. Everything is arrayed against it. There will be miles of vacant suburban homes. Things we used to spend most of our life paying for will now show their true value.


  • The Boomer generation is moving out of their homes into care facilities or mortuary plots. That is, ¼ of the houses will be empty inside a decade.

  • The VAXXXed are dying "suddenly". Turbo-cancer showing up everywhere. And they have already released something in China that is like pneumonia and is having the effects that they tried to drum up with Covaids. Maybe we are actually looking at a real disease this time. But, whether it is or not, they will try to have an mRNA clotShot for it. And many, many people will die. Tons of houses will be left unlived in, except by ghosts.

  • Interest rates are still going up and mortgages are getting harder and harder to qualify for. Soon, with more bank collapses on the way, mortgages may well become impossible to get. And without mortgages, the most you can sell your house for is what people have in savings.

  • You will grow your own food, in your own greeenhouse, or starve. So, if a property does not have a greenhouse and a garden, and does not have a place to build a greenhouse and garden, then that property is worthless. This will become more and more important. This will make most suburban houses worthless. As in, you couldn't pay people to live there, unless you paid them in food.

  • We have entered the ice-age. Each passing year will show that more and more you need a WELL insulated house with passive solar heating. Most suburban houses are not well insulated. And almost none of them are designed to warm up with the winter sun. This means that these houses will not be affordable to live in. The heating bill will be too much to pay, even if the house is free.

  • Mostly fiery, but "peaceful" protests will break out in most cities. As things get worse, people will get more agitated. And this will cause living in cities to become more and more dangerous. The suburbs are not immune. Anyone who can leave, will leave. And when they leave, the house will just be abandoned. Who you gonna sell it to?

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All of these things will add up to acres of, what are today, expensive suburban houses just being left abandoned.

The mother WEFers / banksters want to move everyone into 15 minute cities open air prisons, and so, they will help to make this decline even worse.

And, after that, we may come to our senses and realize:

Our Houses Are Not An Asset

We do not count them in our balance sheet. We count them as a needed item for living a life.

We make sure people do not do without a place to live. But we also do not give spiteful-single-mothers an entire house basically for free (section 8), where she doesn't have the concern for maintaining her own house.

In a bankruptcy we do not include the house as part of the assets to be sold off. House foreclosures are not a thing. Property taxes are not a thing. The house is a thing you use for living in. It has no value, in a monetary sense. It has value of being a place to live.

We will realize that making the newest generation pay more than all the previous generations combined, is a very, very bad idea. Children are our future? Not if you have to wait for your parents to die to have a house.

Overall, we let banksters destroy the natural order of things.
And we will pay for it with miles and miles of empty, abandoned, suburban houses left to rot.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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