What you all might not know is that our jobs didn't just leave to Mexico, and later to China, people were paid to move their manufacturing to China.
Banks were giving... if you can call, calling up the owners of the manufacturing plants and offering them a sweet, sweet deal on a loan, "giving", loans if people would move their manufacturing off shore.
This was not natural, not done by chance.
Further, those same banks where giving away loans to buy houses to employees of these very same companies they were in negotiation with to move out of the states. Yes, this is fraud. And those banksters should have been strung up for it, but most people at that time believed the line that it was just cheaper to move manufacturing to China.
This post is to try to tie together quite a few happenings to show that this war is not happenstance; that this was long in the making.

- The oligarchs, those mother WEFers, always move their base of operation to the west.
- China was looking like the next destination of the elite.
- The US dollar was planned to collapse in about 100 years after the forming of the Fed.
- Kissinger goes to China to negotiate.
- Big push to move manufacturing out of the states.
- Billy Clintonian gave China favored trade status, just in time.
- ICBM technology (and training) was sold to China (against the concern of the military, Billy overruled them) so now China does most of the satellite launches.
- The Wuhan flu came out, and the unanimous conclusion was to lock down, destroying supply chains.
- We couldn't call it the Wuhan Flu because China might get upset.
- Chinese spy balloon? flies over America.
- China has a 50 year plan to destroy America, and then come to its rescue.
- Xi is getting old, if he is going to be the one to complete that plan, he doesn't have much time
China just recently, after a great push from the govern-cement, is now making ball point pens by themselves. (before they were buying the precision balls and sleeves from Germany.) Just to give you an idea of where China is at technologically.

So, with all of those pieces, why does China hate America so?
Is it just envy?
The propaganda is really high. Everything is blamed on Americans
The covaids is blamed on Americans. And so, now, Americans in China, even though they have been there since before covaids was a thing, are now not allowed into restaurants, and discriminated against all kinds of ways.
Check out his channel for all kinds of cool videos on China (before) and the latest news on China shenanigans (after)
Why would a country, who pretty much relies on Americans buying all the cheap goods for their income, start really pushing an anti-America narrative?
We really seem to have someone pulling the strings of both China and The US, pushing very hard to get us to hate each other. Setting us up for WWIII.

Someone is pushing very hard for China and America to go to war.
And it looks like this was planned 50 to 100 years ago.
Just like the woke narrative being slowly pushed into schools (also starting about 50 years ago)
We really need to understand this is a setup.
We need to recognized that there is a puppet master pulling strings.
Those mother WEFers need to be exposed and those strings cut.
Because a war with China makes no sense.
If we were really upset with China, we should start manufacturing here, and stop buying from China.
And we really should do that because we have put ourselves in a bad position.
Supporting a genocidal dictator who uses slave labor and tortures populations.
If we were good people, we would have no trade with China until they cleaned up their act.
But, we ignore that because.... cheap goods at Wallymart