Science is Replete With Assumptions - That Most Do Not Know Exist

in hive-110786 •  last year 


There are so many assumption in science.

And it is negligent, bordering on criminal that new scientists are not taught these.
At least, in the back of every science book should be an appendix with a list of assumptions.

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes

This is a nice piece of logic… until your assumptions fail you.

Like, there is no way they could get in the room, it was locked from the inside.
Really a brain teaser… until you can walk through walls or teleport.

And so it goes with science.

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Space is curved - Light travels in straight lines

In almost all early science, and even through to today, we map the universe, our galaxy, our solar system, our earth in a cartesian coordinate system. X, Y and Z (right, away, up)

Along comes Einstein, and everyone (is paid to) believes him. The Theory of Relativity is the gospel. Space is curved. But we never applied this to any of our formulas. Or to any of our thinking.

Everyone believes a laser shoots a beam of light that is absolutely straight. And the same assumption is made about all of the light sources. The sun, the stars...

But really, can we assume that light is travelling straight?
Or, since we see in light, all we can see is that the pathway of the light is straight. (no matter how curved the path may be)

This bundle of assumptions is going to come back to bite us.

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The laws of the universe are fixed.

Scientists measure something at one spot and assume that at every other spot the same would happen. Even across the universe.

We haven't even been out of our solar system. We really do not know. And we do not even acknowledge that we don't know.

But, it is even worse than that. We do almost all of our experiments near the ground. We do not recognize that space where humans live is very special. A narrow band between heaven and earth.

Michelson-Morley did an experiment to try to prove the Aether. They didn't find what they were looking for, so they called the something they found, nothing.

Another person did the M-M experiment at different elevations and found he got different readings. A truly remarkable find, but we still assume the Aether doesn't exist, AND that elevation really doesn't matter.

We believe that the air gets thinner, more rarefied, as you go up in elevation because of gravity.
However, another way to look at it is that things become less dense/real/solid as you move from earth to heaven.

Ancient civilizations used this difference to light and heat their homes. We call it atmospheric energy today. We do not even acknowledge in science text books that there is a difference between elevations.

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Do not believe in the unseen

It is amazing, that although we have made many discoveries these past centuries of things we have formerly had not been able to see, we poo-poo ideas/theories of unseen things.

We thought germs weren't real.
We thought radio waves weren't real.

But, in the same vein:
We think God isn't real.
We think Angels aren't real.
We think that 100' diameter swirling ball of air aren't real.
We think that the Fae aren't real.
We think that the afterlife isn't real.
We think that aliens in flying saucers aren't real.

Although there are piles of stories about near death experiences that are extremely close to each other, so many people do not believe in them. Especially the people who write science text books.

With all of our learning experiences of finding something heretofore unseen, you would think we would put things into proper categories. Known to exist. Known to not exist, Cannot prove its existence yet.

But no. Science cannot handle anything it can't see yet.

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This is a scant brush with the assumptions of science.

There are tons more.
"The Book of the Damned" by Charles Fort is a very interesting read. Talking about documented things that keep happening, that are ignored by science.

I bring all of this up because we are on the cusp of new science. A thorough evaluation of everything we thought we knew as science. We will evaluate everything. Especially the paradigm of our scientific thought.

Even the vaunted "scientific method" will be changed. Updated into something that humans can actually use.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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