I have not seen the movie, Sound Of Freedom, and i probably never will.
Every once in a while i psychically tune into the children being tortured in the area.
It really tears my heart up.
There were two places the children were kept in my small, but rich, town that i lived in.
I probably could have found them, but i do not have commando training in infiltrating underground bunkers.
Further, and most importantly, i do not have the means to take care of dozens of children who need serious psychiatric help, as well as a good home to grow up in.

The movie, Sound Of Freedom is just pointing out the tip of the iceberg. The fringes of the problem.
And the hero is lucky he has only been dealing with the fringes.
The people at the top of this crap pile have teams of murderous people that they will send to areas to shoot a bunch of innocent people in order to make a scene the politi-roaches can use to move the Overton Window.
Just like drugs, there are people who use little private planes to fly a few kilos into the states.
While the Cocain Import Agency uses C-130s to supply the 18 wheelers that roll into major cities every day.
This is not little crooks filling a need, this is BIG business. With the biggest money people behind it.
These people are not above using any method to keep the supply rolling, and ANY method to get rid of people in their way. I mean, ANY method, look at people close to Hitlery for some fun and exciting ways to end up not existing.
These people have private armies and are above the law.

The size of the problem
Just for role playing sake, let us imagine that half of all politicians are hooked.
Each of them need at least four per year (light estimate)
That is thousands each year.
Now add in all the important people in important bureaucratic positions. Add in all the top people in corporations. UN directors. Most of the people who showed up at Davos. And all the mother WEFers.
Compute the numbers needed, and you will see there is a VERY LARGE industry that supplies this.
Not some piddly little thing that local sheriffs can take care of.
In fact, the local police are usually the first line of defense in any of the large bases.
Poke your nose around, and a police officer will come to harass you away.
And for example, Hitlery was helping out a Caribbean island from a storm disaster... (not really, they got no real aid) but one of her aids was caught trying to transport several hundred children.

There is no place to take kids to:
The CPS is a part of this mess.
Legion are the horror stories of people who got their kids back a lot worse off then when they got taken.
But the big part of the CPS is the shuffling around of kids... for their safety.
And so, we have a huge network of child delivering personnel in The US.
People who have a perfect cover story for transporting these goods.
I have even heard that there is a service to bring the child right to your door.
(but this is a rumor)
So, if you have plans to fight your way into an underground bunker, and rescue the children, you will also need a plan of what to do with all these children. You cannot just drop them off with the CPS. There is nobody you can just drop them off with. We don't even have enough psychologists trained to deal with child trauma to deal with all the children who will need mental care.

The worst thing of this movie
A movie about stopping child trafficking. Shouldn't that be something supported by all sides (except for the paedos, who should stay quiet)? Back in the 80s and 90s, everyone could agree on this.
But now, almost all MSmockingbirdM is coming out against Sound Of Freedom or staying remarkably silent about it. Calling those who would watch the movie, Qanon adjacent.
What a phrase...
Even if it is true, like 100% of people who are gaga for this movie are also huge Q followers, trying to say that child trafficking is only important to a fringe group is really bad optics.
I hope that many people see this movie and resonate with its story. Then realize all of the media that can now be considered enemies of humanity, enemies of children.
But realize, the people that own The US and most of the media companies are the same ones who want the children to continue to flow. Want may be too small of a word. Need may be more apropos.
And when people with private armies needs something, be very wary of the backlash when you try to stop it.