The Battery Powered Electric Vehicle Is Not Saving the Planet

in hive-110786 •  yesterday 


The battery powered electric vehicle is, currently, one of the most environmentally destructive things we have mass produced.

It is amazing, how so many have all the data of how destructive it is to the environment, but still, so many people hail it as the thing that will save the environment.

How can we have so many people, so delusional, about a thing where there is very little data that is hidden. Everyone can go and look at it. But, people rather listen to the propaganda that compares apples to oranges.

However, if you take a bigger view of things, there is a nefarious plot going on here. Some very rich people, want something that isn't being discussed. What these people want is power and control, so i assume that their plan goes along those lines.

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Zero Emission Vehicles

This extreme lie is at the center of this web of propaganda.

Only if you compare the car with a tail-pipe, to the car without a tailpipe can you even say that it is a "zero emission vehicle". But this narrow comparison should have those who bring it up, swiftly boxed around the ears.

Maybe it would be a fair comparison if we compared the battery powered electric vehicle with an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle with a large balloon on its tailpipe collecting all the emissions. Of course, this comparison would seem silly, to the electric car fans, but they are ignoring the emissions from the coal burning power plant, just like putting a balloon on the tailpipe "hides" the emission of an ICE car.

Unfortunately, we have yet to have a complete study of the actual efficiency of an electric vehicle.

The modern coal burning power plant is quite efficient and with all the scrubbers in place, quite clean. However, after that, you must include line losses, transformer losses, battery charging losses, and that batteries are heavy, making the car less efficient.

People who have done their best to estimate all of these losses, say that a battery powered electric vehicle is only slightly more efficient than an ICE vehicle.

So much hidden behind hand waving, and the savings isn't really there.

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Rare earths and lithium mining

The "Green" people are all over the evils of oil, which is usually very well contained, and spillage of the precious, black gold is avoided as much as possible.

However, these same "Green" people seem to be completely blank in the mind when it comes to mining lithium, cobalt, and other rare earth elements needed to build a battery powered electric vehicle. This is some of the nastiest mining operations, which are almost all done in 3rd world countries that lack clean air regulations, and often done by child labor.

More pollution is created making the battery for the electric vehicle, then the ICE vehicle over its entire life, manufacturing and driving. And it is toxic pollution, and not just CO2 and other hydrocarbon products.

Just this alone should have kept battery powered electric vehicles to only the wealthy car enthusiast. But, someone, somewhere is subsidizing that production, and keeping the horrors out of the news.

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The story of "evil" oil, and the "good" electricity

California is outlawing the sale of gasoline powered gardening tools. Everything has to go to electric/battery powered. I have no idea how California thinks this is a good thing. All of those expensive mansions needs lots of grounds keepers. What are they going to do when they cannot get replacements for their trimmers and leaf blowers? Each gardener will have to invest in $1000 backpack batteries. What a horrifying predicament. But California politicians are really gung ho on battery power.

California politicians are really pushing for complete electrification of all vehicles. While, at the same time, they are telling residents not to charge their electric vehicles during the day, because they do not have enough power/grid capacity.

California doesn't have enough power plants, enough power lines, enough transformers to charge electric vehicles if everyone gets one.

Further, there isn't enough copper output from mines to make an electric vehicle for everyone by the time that California Congress has stated for the deadline.

But, California (and the MSM) have turned everyone's minds to mush, and are selling everyone on the idea that we can easily switch to all electric. "Because it is non-polluting"

So what is the real story? What is the actual plan?

Well, only like 10% of Californians could have/afford an electric vehicle. So, the rest have to share public transport. And that will be so much more convenient in 15 minute cities open air prisons. Which seems to be the goal of all that area that "just burned" down.

So, if you stay in California, unless you are of the top 10%, then you will not be allowed a personal vehicle, and you will be sharing these self driving taxis, that will take you to your destination. (Your pre-approved destination, as long as you have a high enough Social Credit Score, and no outstanding tickets/fines.)

This is probably what the people behind the battery powered electric vehicle movement really want. Power and control over the population.

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I am not saying that there won't be electric vehicles in the future, but there won't be LiIon battery powered electric vehicles in the future. And anyone relying on LiIon technology is doomed. Electric vehicle fires are rampant in China. You know, those fires that can't be put out, and start and erupt quickly.

We do not have the electrical infrastructure.
We do not have the mining capacity.
We do not have the problems worked out of this VERY DANGEROUS rolling bomb.

And it doesn't even save the environment.

(By the way, Gasoline is a byproduct of oil refinement. One of the least important and valuable out-products. Thank goodness we have cars, else we would just have to burn it off)

So, why is it pushed so hard? Why can't politicians leave well enough alone to see how the tech improves, and whether people take to it by themselves. But no, every day it is, we have to get rid of evil oil!

Even if all they are doing is moving the oil to oil-burning power plants.

It is just sick how the wool can be pulled over our eyes, even when there is so much data on this.
People want to believe the pretty lie, over the ugly truth.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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