To stay in control the [DS][KM] (Deep State controlled by the Khazarian Mafia) have to control the narrative. They have to keep all the sheep pointed in the same direction. (This is what schooling was for. To teach all the fish sheep to swim in the same direction)
The Khazarian Mafia is losing control of the narradigm. (narrative based paradigm) These psychopaths need control like most of us need oxygen. They have to stay in charge.
The [KM] engineered the destruction of the twin towers for many reasons. The big one was they needed to hide movements of large amounts of money to prop up their financial system. The biggest reason was to scare everyone so that everyone would follow the paradigm as they laid out. (Accept things like the Patriot Act, and go along with being frisked every time you might want to fly)
But now the emotional high from the destruction of World Trade Centers is waning, and they will need to do something even bigger to get the same level of control that they got back then.
Soooo, The #BFE Big Fucking Event is coming.
The past false flags
The Khazarian Mafia has done many of these events over the centuries.
Only in the last few, have people started waking up to them: JFK, 9-11, Maui fires…
And as us conspiracy realists have noticed, they do everything they can to keep people from looking in the right direction. They have their narrative, and they have a false narrative all set up to catch the believers and the disbelievers.
You either believe in man-made global warming climate change, or you are a climate change denier. You can't be someone who says, "Why are we taking temperature readings in the hottest spots in the area?" You cannot be someone who says, "most scientists don't agree" Or even, "The science is settled" is not science.
We run into the problems of if you are not A, then you are B, and nothing outside of A or B exists. Like, you are dumbocrap or your a repulsivekin. And you better stay in your box! or people get upset. The A-B paradigm is programmed deeply into the common person. Even after telling them of Libertarians and anarchists, they will still default to there being only two boxes.
Why the Big Fucking Event
The Khazarian Mafia wants to keep control of the narrative. They need all eyes where they want you to focus. And they will go to any length to keep that. Any length. Even using nukes. (but that requires a lot of people to carry out that operation, and they are losing the means to control, keep quiet, that many people)
The people are already used to a 9-11 sized event so the emotional level to achieve any control is at least 10x that level.
So, 10x bigger than 9-11.
That is huge. And the emotions will be huge. But we need to fight against these emotions and get the truth out in front of people as fast as possible. This time we are much more ready to pounce on the news that is coming out.
The [KM] is trying for a big enough distraction to re-jigger the monetary system to keep them in control. The dollar is dying and the world is not cooperating with them moving the center of control to China and accepting the CBDCs.
Their one world govern-cement dreams is falling apart, and their control system is breaking down.
When you don't have all the hush money, then it gets really hard to get things done quietly. As the dollar loses value, you have less hush money available. Like, giving someone a million dollars today is just not enough. That won't even buy a house in California. And as inflation takes everything sky high, the more you have to pay, and the less what you want to pay in is valued. (Soon a lot of people will be coming forward to sell their secrets. They won't be being paid to keep them secret, so get what you can for them)
The good news is that we may be able to stop the [KM] in their tracks if we can guess what their target is and bring enough cameras onto the scene. They have to do their dirty deeds in the dark. If it is done in the light then the story won't be believed. And it is the story, the narrative, the narradigm that is what is important. You know, like a hole out in a field where a plane crashed... but there was no plane parts. It only worked because they had enough clout left in the MSM to do it. Now they don't.
When enough light is placed upon the Khazarian Mafia, they will become public enemy #1.
People who have had their lives destroyed by these evil bastards will start with vigilante justice. Since the [KM] owns the courts, justice will be sought outside the system.
The biggest example of this will be the VAXXXed, as they find themselves dying, going after BigPharma.
Another example will be the kids who had their sex removed because of pushy salesman. They are getting big mad.
Our job is to shine light on the Khazarian Mafia and their exploits. We do not need to go to war. In fact, shooting will solve nothing until the root of the tree of evil is exposed. It is our job to expose it.
Good has already won. Now it is our job to clean up our earth.