The Chinese - American War, How Its Going and What Should We Do About It

in hive-110786 •  11 months ago 


I keep telling people that The US is at war with China, and everyone points at Wallymart and raises their eyebrows.

The problem is that the CCP takes extreme steps to insure that bad press about China does not exist.

Including, finding the parents, living in China, of the Chinese in America, and having them call. "Hey, son/daughter, i heard (from the police) that you are saying some not nice things online, and i really think you should stop that so that people do not 'accidentally', end up dead"

China blackmails politicians and influential people in America to keep the stories that might not be favorable to China, out of the news.

China Tried to Turn off Your Electricity and Water - Wake Up

China is working with all the island nations in the Pacific to bring them to their side, in the case that China attacks Taiwan.

I Overheard a Secret Chinese Meeting in Micronesia

The CCP has a 50 year plan of taking over America, and they are actively working on it. We need to prepare.

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Current Anti-american propaganda in China

Imagine a Chinese worker taking masks and stomping on them on the floor, before putting them in a box to be shipped to America. Well, you don't have to imagine it, it is on U-tubes somewhere.

This is the current state of America-hate that is being pumped out to the Chinese people.

And we rely on this country for all of our cheaply made goods, our iPhones, and a lot of the chemicals we use to make drugs/medicine.

Something is going to happen soon. Something that will stop the flow of goods from China. It may be a war with Taiwan or it may just be a bunch of storms that make shipping impossible. The dock workers could all get "sick" again. (But funny enough, Fentanyl continued to flow)

We really need to start weaning ourselves off of Chinese imports.

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The actual "war"

The actual things that are going to happen, are not what anyone expects. However, timing is not easy to know. And where we will be on the plan to bring America to its knees by manipulating shipments will be the biggest issue.

The Chinese do not have long to enact their plan to make Taiwan part of China again.

They are facing a huge population crisis. Their one child policy has destroyed China's demographics. They have a huge glut of young men right now, and soon, there will be no new generation to replace them.

The CCP is also facing huge blow back of thousands of protests a year that have to be put down with police actions. (some report 10s of thousands). Recently, Chinese people who have just had too much, are taking their cars and plowing through pedestrians. Especially children. China is falling apart fast.

And then, the Three Gorges Dam is still moving. It is only a matter of time before it gives way. And that, plus the riots will mean that China's military will have its hands full. The CCP wouldn't have any left to invade Taiwan if they wanted to.

America, on the other hand looks like it is going into civil war too (2.0). But first, we may see America divided by natural or man-made disasters. The Maryland bridge collapse which blocks that harbor, really affects the flow of goods. Add on top of that, that soon, we will see the Mississippi overflow, and take out several bridges. Effectively dividing America in half.

We will deal with the illegal migrants in a fiery way. And this will cause several blue hot spots to declare themselves "not-with-them". There are still people prophesying that blue helmets will be on the streets in Seattle. (and currently, China is having war games up in Canada.)

Anyway, it may be that America and China may cease trading, just because they can't continue.
And the war, the plan of China taking over America, may be delayed forever.
We should make plans to wean ourselves off of Chinese imports.

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So, all of this comes to one conclusion. Prepare for change.

There is no political will, right now, to stop imports and start manufacturing in America again. There almost isn't enough resources (material and engineers) in America to do so. If you want to make a "Made in America" item, there are few options for parts. Usually one, or more often, none.

There seems to be a plan for "Silicone Valley 2.0". The elite have already cleared the land, and plan to build completely automated factories there. I am unsure if this will get online soon enough. Maybe they are holding back for China to take over before they complete their plans?

Like we do most things, America will probably wait until it absolutely needs to, before it starts manufacturing stuff locally again. I can't even build toasters, with free labor, and compete with China on price. So, what real incentive is there?

The only thing that i see working is "Distributed Manufacturing". Many people, in their garages, making parts for someone local to assemble. We may be able to get this going before China stops talking to US. I don't feel we do, but i believe all the bad stuff will happen by next week. Getting started so that we will be ready when shipments stop is actually a good plan.

The CCP is really cranking up the anti-American rhetoric. And that has a cascade effect. Be prepared for the fall out.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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All our recyclables are sold overseas. That stops, the U.S. has more materials than...
(To the Hershey Chocolate Theme)
There's nothing like the face of a Tibetan. Or an Uighur.

Vote Trump

We need to start making steel in america again. We should be able to start mines up again?

Or maybe we have enough old steel laying around?

I am so very sorry for Tibetan and Uyghurs. Makes me cry when i think about them. May they be free soon.

Joe Biden/Kamala Harris/Nancy Pelosi/Chuck Schumer - the CCP people in office

Maybe you don't know that much about steel and I am no expert but I have loaded and dropped a lot of steel from Utah mills around the country. Steel has a four digit code that tells what type of steel it is.

All the Utah mills are automated and use electric smelters and electric forges. Employment at several mills that I have been to ranges from 27 to 50 persons that actually produce the steel down from thousands. I have also been to other mills aluminum, zinc, copper, sheet metal, plate, and they are all the same now.

The CCP + Biden is in effect. But i do not know if it is really the WEF or not. CCP bucked the WEF, not sure which side they are on now. (both sides are against America)

Yep, that is what i have seen. But they are not making the steel. They are using recycled from someplace else's steel.

And the mill i knew, was owned by some group in Europe.